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It all depends on what materials but the very basic answer would be the blood.

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Q: What sends and receives materials in a body?
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What organelle receives materials packages them and sends them to other parts of the cell?

The Golgi apparatus receives materials from the endoplasmic reticulum, modifies them, packages them into vesicles, and then sends them to other parts of the cell.

What sends and receives messages from all parts of the body?

The nervous system sends and receives messages from all parts of the body. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and neurons that transmit electrical impulses to coordinate various bodily functions and responses.

What receives neuron messages and sends them to the cell body?

The dendrite receives a stimulus and conducts the nerve impulse toward the cell body.

What packages and sends materials to other parts of a cell?

Golgi Body

What is the name for the post office of a cell?

I think it is Golgi body because it receives material and sends material out

What is the right side of your heart?

It's the side that receives blood from your body and sends blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen.

What part of a neuron sends a message?

Axon sends the message. Dendrite receives it.

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The brain is a mass of nerve tissue that receives and sends nerve impulses.

What part of the neuron sends information to others?

The axon of a neuron is the part that sends information to other neurons or cells in the body. It transmits electrical signals known as action potentials from the cell body to the axon terminals where communication with other neurons occurs.

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Which chamber of the heart receives blood from all parts of the body?

The right side of our heart (right auricle)receives blood from the all body veins . i just learnt that in my work!

What side of the heart sends blood to the lungs for oxygen?

The left side of the heart supplies blood to the body through the aorta, the largest artery in the body. The right side of the heart sends blood to the lungs for oxygenation.