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When you hold your breath what sends the message to your brain is your neves.

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8mo ago

Holding your breath increases levels of carbon dioxide in your body, which signals the brain to trigger the urge to breathe. Receptors in the body called chemoreceptors sense the changes in carbon dioxide levels and send signals to the brainstem, prompting it to initiate breathing.

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Q: What sends a message to your brain when you hold your breath?
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Do you kill brain cells when you hold your breath?

Yes, holding your breath for an extended period of time can result in a decrease in oxygen to the brain, which can lead to brain cell damage or death. It is not recommended to hold your breath for long periods of time as it can be harmful to the brain and other organs.

Do you lose brain cells if you hold your breath?

Yes, holding your breath for an extended period of time can deprive your brain of oxygen, leading to potential damage and brain cell loss. It is important to avoid prolonged breath-holding to protect brain function.

How can someone hold their breath?

You can die if you don't have oxygen to your brain in four minutes. A healthy person can hold their breath for less than that.

When you hold your breath your brain sends a message to the diaphragm and rib muscles telling them to breathe . why is this?

The brain uses a CO2 - O2 feedback system. CO2 rises as O2 is depleted. The brain receives signals of rising CO2, and triggers the diaphragm.Incidentally, this system becomes reversed in emphysema and severe lung conditions. The brain becomes accustomed to rising CO2. IF too much O2 is administered externally, it will stop the brain from signalling the next breath. So while a person with healthy lungs can tolerate external O2 at 8 liters per minute, people with emphysema can only tolerate no more than 2 liters per minute---or the person will stop breathing.

Will brain cells die due to holding breath?

Yes they will. After about 4 minutes brain cells will start dying due to the lack of oxygen. It is highly unrecommended to hold your breath that long.

What is an organ that controls voluntary and involuntary functions?

the lungs, you can breath but you can also hold your breath. People might say brain but its not, your mind is always working even in deep sleep.

How many brain cells do you lose when you hold your breath?

None. Before you could loose any brain cells, you would pass out and start breathing normally again.

When was Hold Your Breath created?

Hold Your Breath was created in 2008.

Do lions hold their breath?

No lions don't hold their breath.

How can you breath without thinking of breathing?

You don't have to think about it because there is a part of the brain called the medulla oblongata. This part of the brain regulates many things one of which is breathing. Also if you try to hold your breath, eventually the brain realizes that it is being starved from oxygen and "over rides" you systems causing you to breath again. Answered by Jessica Henderson aged 12

How long can penguins hold there breath?

They can hold there breath over 15 minutes

Can a child hold their breath?

No but he can hold his breath for hoursNo lions don't hold their breath