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Q: What scientists from the Renaissance period made significant scientific discoveries that laid the basis for scientist of the Scientific Revolution?
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Why was science important to the Renaissance?

Science was important to the Renaissance because it sparked curiosity, innovation, and exploration of the natural world. It led to advancements in areas such as anatomy, astronomy, and cartography, which laid the foundation for modern scientific inquiry. The scientific revolution during the Renaissance challenged traditional beliefs and paved the way for new discoveries and technologies.

What was Copernicus role in the renaissance?

Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who proposed the heliocentric theory, which stated that the Earth revolved around the Sun. This theory marked a significant shift in scientific thinking and challenged the geocentric view of the universe held for centuries. Copernicus's work laid the foundation for the Scientific Revolution that followed.

How did Muslim science Renaissance humanism and the Roman Catholic Church positively influence the new ideas that developed during the Scientific Revolution?

The Muslim's main influence on the Scientific Revolution lies in the Greek and Roman texts they preserved in their libraries after the fall of Rome, and their access to Eastern advances in technology. The Catholic Church spurred the interaction between Europe and the Middle East via the Crusades, and this eventually led to the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a new focus on art and culture that eventually spread to other areas, including science. The scientific revolution is just the application of Renaissance principals to science, as well as greater access to schooling that before was limited to officials of the church.

Scientific discoveries of 1700's?

Some significant scientific discoveries of the 1700s include the development of the theory of gravitation by Isaac Newton, the classification of living organisms by Carl Linnaeus, and the discovery of oxygen by Joseph Priestley. These discoveries laid the foundation for modern physics, biology, and chemistry.

What were Scientific Discoveries during the 1750-1825?

Some significant scientific discoveries during that time period include the discovery of oxygen by Joseph Priestley in 1774, the development of the theory of chemical elements by Antoine Lavoisier in the late 18th century, and William Herschel's discovery of Uranus in 1781. These discoveries had a profound impact on the fields of chemistry, astronomy, and physics.

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What were the most significant differences between the scientific revolution and the Italian renaissance?

im looking for the answer to this question too.

How did the Renaissance worldview differ from the medieval worldview?

the renaissance was more of a revolution there were more scientific discoveries and it was time of great knowledge mainly during the medieval times it was more of "kings and queens serfdom during the renaissance they were eliminating serfdom"

Why was science important to the Renaissance?

Science was important to the Renaissance because it sparked curiosity, innovation, and exploration of the natural world. It led to advancements in areas such as anatomy, astronomy, and cartography, which laid the foundation for modern scientific inquiry. The scientific revolution during the Renaissance challenged traditional beliefs and paved the way for new discoveries and technologies.

What common language was used to spread the ideas of the Renaissance the reformation and the scientific revolution?

Greek was used to spread the ideas of the Renaissance the reformation and the scientific revolution.

What common language was used the spread the ideas of the renaissance the reformation and the scientific revolution?

Greek was used to spread the ideas of the Renaissance the reformation and the scientific revolution.

What common language was used spread to spread the ideas of the renaissance the reformation and the scientific revolution?

Greek was used to spread the ideas of the Renaissance the reformation and the scientific revolution.

What are the 3 inventions or discoveries of the scientific revolution?

Scientific method, telescope and thermometer

Was the Scientific Revolution during the Renaissance?

The Scientific Revolution occurred after the Renaissance, starting in the 16th century and continuing into the 17th century. It was characterized by a shift in thinking towards a more empirical and experimental approach to understanding the natural world, leading to significant advancements in fields such as astronomy, physics, and biology.

How is the scientific revolution connected to the enlightenment?

Connections to Scientific Revolution: The Enlightenment was a program to reform political, economic, and social aspects of European life by using the Scientific method established during the Scientific Revolution. The movement was based on the discoveries and knowledge of the Scientific Revolution.

What time period did the renaissance give way to?

Scientific Revolution

When the scientific revolution is began?

The scientific revolution began during the end of the Renaissance era. It lasted throughout the 17th and 18th centuries.

Are the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution described as eras of human progress?

Yes, both the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution are generally seen as periods of significant human progress. The Renaissance saw advancements in art, literature, and philosophy, while the Scientific Revolution led to breakthroughs in science and the development of the scientific method, expanding our understanding of the natural world.