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Almost all scientists and mathematicians until the Renaissance.

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Q: What scientist and mathematicians said the universe revolved around the earth?
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What was the foundation of ptolemys deocentric model the universe?

The geocentric model stated that Earth was the center of the universe, and all other bodies revolved around it.Ptolemy thought that the rest of the universe spun in nested circles around the Earth, with the Sun and stars much closer than they actually are.

What was the old (incorrect) ptolemaic view of the universe?

The geocentric universe, so named because it was believed that everything revolved around the Earth. The view was eventually displaced by the heliocentric solar system, where the Earth and other planets revolve around the sun.

What was the old (incorrect) Ptolemaic view of the universe?

The geocentric universe, so named because it was believed that everything revolved around the Earth. The view was eventually displaced by the heliocentric solar system, where the Earth and other planets revolve around the sun.

According to ptolemy what was earths position in the universe?

Ptolemy believed that Earth was the center of the universe, with the Sun, Moon, and other planets revolving around it in circular orbits. This geocentric model of the universe was the prevailing view in Western civilization for over a thousand years.

What was the major error in Ptolemy's theory about the structure of the universe?

The major error in Ptolemy's theory was the geocentric model, which placed Earth at the center of the universe with other planets and the Sun revolving around it. This model was eventually disproved by Copernicus' heliocentric model, which correctly placed the Sun at the center of the solar system.

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Tycho's universe was the same as the Copernican universe except that?

Brahe's theories revolved around the ptolemaic system, where Earth was the centre of the Universe. Copernicus stated that the Earth is not the center of the Universe, but we revolve around other masses as well.

What was the error in ptolemy theory about the structure of the universe?

Ptolemy's theory was incorrect because he believed the Earth was at the center of the universe and that the other planets and the Sun revolved around it. However, he was later corrected by, I believe, Copernicus (Ca-per-ni-kus) who stated the Sun was in the center of the universe and that the planets, including Earth, revolved around it.

Why is Nicolas coponicas?

Nicolaus Copernicus was the first person to say that the universe revolved around the sun. Before that, it was highly accepted that the earth was the center of the universe.

What did Galileo find?

Galileo found that the earth revolved around the sun and that it wasn't the center of the universe. He invented the telescope.

What did medieval people think of Astronomy?

they thought the universe revolved around the world and thought other theories impossible

What was the foundation of ptolemys deocentric model the universe?

The geocentric model stated that Earth was the center of the universe, and all other bodies revolved around it.Ptolemy thought that the rest of the universe spun in nested circles around the Earth, with the Sun and stars much closer than they actually are.

Invented the idea of the solar system as a sun centered universe?

many people believed that everything revolved around the earth but some believed everything revolved around the sun and now r famous for the unit space for example Corpernicus.

What was geocentric theory?

It was the theory that stated that the Earth is at the center of the universe and the other planets, the Sun, and the other stars revolved around the Earth.

What is a sentence for revovled?

He thought the world revolved around him.The door revolved around and around.

What was the foundation of ptolemy geocentric models of the universe?

The geocentric model stated that Earth was the center of the universe, and all other bodies revolved around it.Ptolemy thought that the rest of the universe spun in nested circles around the Earth, with the Sun and stars much closer than they actually are.

What was foundation of Ptolemy geocentric model of the universe?

The geocentric model stated that Earth was the center of the universe, and all other bodies revolved around it.Ptolemy thought that the rest of the universe spun in nested circles around the Earth, with the Sun and stars much closer than they actually are.

What was the foundation of Ptolemy geocentric model of universe?

The geocentric model stated that Earth was the center of the universe, and all other bodies revolved around it.Ptolemy thought that the rest of the universe spun in nested circles around the Earth, with the Sun and stars much closer than they actually are.