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Density of oil is less than water, all objects having density lower than water float in water.

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4w ago

Oil floats on water due to differences in their densities. Oil has a lower density than water, so it floats on the surface. This is because molecules in oil are less tightly packed compared to water, allowing them to remain on top.

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What best explains why ice floats?

Ice floats because it is less dense than liquid water. When water freezes, it forms a crystalline structure that spaces the water molecules further apart than in its liquid state. This lower density causes ice to float on top of liquid water.

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Of course. Fresh water floats on salt water, warmer water floats on cooler water, and ice floats on any water.

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It is less dense than water, therefore it floats on water.

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Why ice floats in in water?

The reason why ice will float in water is because ice is not as dense as water, therefore, it floats.

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Yes, paper is less dense than water, so it floats.