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For example sodium carbonate is an alkaline salt.

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Q: What salts responsible for alkalinity of water?
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What are the constituents responsible for the alkalinity of water?

The constituents responsible for the alkalinity of water are primarily bicarbonate (HCO3-) and carbonate (CO3^2-) ions. These ions act as buffers, helping to maintain the pH of water by neutralizing acids. Other contributors to alkalinity can include hydroxide (OH-) ions and sometimes borate ions.

Difference between phenolphthalein alkalinity and and total alkalinity?

Phenolphthalein alkalinity measures the hydroxide ion concentration in water, specifically the amount that can be neutralized by strong acids. Total alkalinity, however, measures the water's ability to neutralize acids, including carbonate, bicarbonate, and hydroxide ions. In summary, phenolphthalein alkalinity focuses on the hydroxide ions, while total alkalinity considers a broader range of alkaline substances.

How did alkalinity get into water?

Alkalinity in water occurs when there are naturally occurring minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonates dissolved in the water. These minerals can raise the pH level of the water and make it alkaline. Alkalinity can also be influenced by human activities such as wastewater discharges and industrial processes.

What about adding PH salts to water are the claims about alkalinity true?

Salt is such as table salt NaCl is neutral. It is neither basic or acidic.

What is active alkalinity?

Active alkalinity refers to the amount of alkalinity that is available in water to resist changes in pH. It is a measure of the water's buffering capacity against acidic substances that can change the pH level. Active alkalinity is important for maintaining stable pH levels in aquatic environments, such as aquariums or natural bodies of water.

Are water and salts taken from wastes from the stomach?

Water and salts are taken from foods and drinkable water.

Why are most rift valley lakes salty?

Most Rift Valley lakes are alkaline rather than salty due to their volcanic origin, which results in an accumulation of alkaline salts and minerals in the water. This high alkalinity makes the water unsuitable for certain organisms, leading to unique ecosystems with specialized flora and fauna. Additionally, the evaporation process in these lakes can also concentrate salts, further increasing their alkalinity.

How do you lower alkalinity in well water?

To lower alkalinity in well water, you can try installing an acid injection system to neutralize the alkalinity. Another option is to use a water softener with an acid regeneration option to reduce alkalinity levels. It's advisable to consult with a water treatment professional to determine the best solution for your specific well water.

If you have a good alkalinity with mains water what would lower it in a swimming pool with out the addition of chemicals.?

Add rain water this has very low alkalinity

You want to change the alkalinity of your hot tub water will muriatic acid be your best choice?

Muriatic acid is what is used to reduce alkalinity in water.

Why measure m alkalinity and p alkalinity?

Measuring m alkalinity helps determine the buffering capacity of water and the ability to resist changes in pH. p alkalinity is used to calculate the amount of acid needed to lower the pH of water. Both measurements are important in understanding and managing water quality in aquatic environments.

Does chlorine affect alkalinity?

Chlorine is not known to directly affect alkalinity levels in water. However, when chlorine reacts with organic matter in water, it can influence the pH of the water which indirectly may impact the alkalinity levels. Regularly testing and maintaining proper chlorine levels along with monitoring alkalinity is essential for maintaining balanced water chemistry.