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Environment is the sum conditions affecting life in all the biotic and a biotic components in ecology that include the physical surroundings,climate and other life forms.Rapid climatic changes in prehistorical times has forced other life form to seek better surroundings for survival.Environmental change has brought about a change to outsource resources for life sustenance and through evolutions environment has important role to play.

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The environment can influence the selection pressures acting on a population, driving certain traits to become more advantageous and thus more prevalent in future generations. Environmental factors like temperature, food availability, competition, and predation can all shape the direction of evolution within a population.

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Q: What roll does environment can play in evolution?
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What role does the environment play in Darins theory of evolution by natural selection?

In Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, the environment is a key driver of the process. Organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their advantageous traits to the next generation. Environmental pressures, such as competition for resources or changes in climate, drive the process of natural selection by selecting for traits that increase an organism's fitness for survival.

What is the last step in the evolution of life?

The last step in the evolution of life is reaching a state of equilibrium where organisms are well-adapted to their environment and exhibit high levels of complexity and diversity. This stage involves ongoing interactions between organisms and their environment to maintain balance and stability in ecosystems.

What type of evolution is human evolution?

Human evolution is no different from the evolution of any other species of plant or animal. Over the course of hundreds of thousands of years our ancestors survived by being the better competitor for resources in their environment in their gene pool. The genes that enabled this better survivability were passed on, until the majority of the population were adapted to their environment etc:. homo habilis or homo sapiens or primates

What is the ability of an organism to change internally and externally in relation to its environment?

The ability of an organism to change internally and externally in response to its environment is known as plasticity. Plasticity allows organisms to adapt and survive in changing conditions by adjusting their behavior, physiology, or morphology. It can occur on short-term time scales, such as acclimation, or long-term time scales, such as evolution.

What is essnetial to evolution?

Genetic and morphological variation. Without variation in organisms there would only be the shifts of genetic drift and gene flow in organisms. When organusms are varied then one can be selected from the other by the environment and the organisms ability to reproduce against that environment. Then there is evolution.

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Does the environment dictate only the direction and extent of evolution?

The environment is the ' natural selector ' of all variation. This is evolution.

What roll does the cow play in the environment?

cows play a good part they provide us milk and without cows you can make no ice creams i love cows

Black Capped Chickadee roll play in the environment?

they can make alot of noise and eat alot of berries and seeds, but that's it

What role does the environment play in convergent evolution?

The environment plays a significant role in convergent evolution by selecting for similar traits in unrelated species that enable them to adapt to similar environmental pressures. Similar environments can lead to the evolution of similar features in separate lineages, even if they are not closely related. This process highlights the importance of natural selection in shaping the adaptations of species in response to their environment.

What is the relationships among an organism's environment adaptations and evolution?

The relationship among an organism's environment, adaptations and evolution is that the environment will alter, so the organism has to adapt to the new environment. Throughout the years this has created evolution seen in fossils and history books

What is the role of genes and the environment in evolution?

Genes play a critical role in evolution by influencing an organism's traits and characteristics. Changes in genes over generations (mutations, genetic drift, etc.) can lead to new variations that may be advantageous in certain environments, thus driving evolution. The environment also plays a significant role by selecting for certain traits that enhance an organism's survival and reproduction, shaping the direction of evolution.

What is the ability to respond to the environment?


What is the term applied to evolution of vegetation so that it becomes increasingly adopted to is environment?

Organic Evolution

What is the term applied to evolution of vegetation so that it becomes increasingly adapted to its environment?

organic evolution

What is the term applied to evolution of vegetation so that it becomes increasingly adopted to its environment?

Organic Evolution

How do species become adapted to their environment?

The process is called "adaptation."

How has rock and roll evolution in rap music?

it bee wut it do, foolz hahaa