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The lamina demsa contains bundles of coarse protein fibers produced by connective tissue cells. This dense layer gives the basement membrane its strength.

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The lamina densa is a component of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) in the renal corpuscle. It provides structural support and acts as a filtration barrier, preventing the passage of large molecules like proteins from the blood into the glomerular filtrate. It also helps maintain the integrity and function of the renal corpuscle by separating the glomerular endothelial cells and podocytes.

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Q: What role does the lamina demsa play in the renal corpuscle?
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Functional unit of kidney that removes waste from blood?

The functional unit of the kidney that removes waste from the blood is called a nephron. Each nephron consists of a renal corpuscle, which filters blood, and a renal tubule, where waste products and excess substances are reabsorbed or excreted as urine. Overall, the nephrons play a crucial role in maintaining the body's homeostasis by regulating the composition and volume of bodily fluids.

What are the mechanism for adequate renal blood flow?

Adequate renal blood flow is maintained by the autoregulation of the afferent and efferent arterioles in the kidneys, which adjust their diameter to maintain a stable renal blood flow across a range of blood pressures. Hormonal regulation, such as the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and release of vasodilatory prostaglandins also play a role in regulating renal blood flow. Additionally, the sympathetic nervous system can adjust renal blood flow through vasoconstriction of renal arterioles during times of stress or low blood pressure.

Whatr is a nephron?

A nephron is the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney responsible for filtering blood and producing urine. It consists of a renal corpuscle, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, and distal convoluted tubule. Nephrons play a crucial role in regulating the balance of electrolytes, maintaining pH levels, and removing waste from the body.

Which glands are located on top of the kidneys and play a large role in the anti-inflammatory response?

Those glands are called as supra-renal glands or adrenal glands.

What is renal hormones?

Renal hormones are hormones produced and released by the kidneys that play a role in regulating various bodily functions such as blood pressure, red blood cell production, and calcium metabolism. Examples of renal hormones include erythropoietin, renin, and calcitriol.

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The triangular shaped areas of the renal medulla are the what?

The triangular shaped areas of the renal medulla are the renal pyramids. They are made up of collecting ducts and loops of Henle, and play a role in the concentration of urine by the kidneys.

Functional unit of kidney that removes waste from blood?

The functional unit of the kidney that removes waste from the blood is called a nephron. Each nephron consists of a renal corpuscle, which filters blood, and a renal tubule, where waste products and excess substances are reabsorbed or excreted as urine. Overall, the nephrons play a crucial role in maintaining the body's homeostasis by regulating the composition and volume of bodily fluids.

What are renal epithelial cells?

Renal epithelial cells line the tubules of the kidneys and play a crucial role in processes like filtration, secretion, and reabsorption of substances in the urine. They have specific structures and functions that enable the kidneys to regulate the body's fluid balance and eliminate waste products.

What are the mechanism for adequate renal blood flow?

Adequate renal blood flow is maintained by the autoregulation of the afferent and efferent arterioles in the kidneys, which adjust their diameter to maintain a stable renal blood flow across a range of blood pressures. Hormonal regulation, such as the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and release of vasodilatory prostaglandins also play a role in regulating renal blood flow. Additionally, the sympathetic nervous system can adjust renal blood flow through vasoconstriction of renal arterioles during times of stress or low blood pressure.

What are corpuscles?

Corpuscles are small particles or cells found in the body, such as red or white blood cells. They play important roles in various physiological processes, such as carrying oxygen (red blood cells) and fighting infections (white blood cells).

Renal failure leads to this blood condition?

Renal failure can lead to anemia, due to reduced production of erythropoietin, which stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow. The kidneys also play a role in maintaining proper levels of electrolytes and removing waste products from the blood, so renal failure can result in electrolyte imbalances and uremia.

How NSAIDS cause renal failure?

NSAIDS can induce two forms of acute renal failure: 1. Haemodynamically mediated 2. Acute interstitial nephritis Haemodynamically mediated: Renal prostaglandins are vasodilators, but do not play a major role in renal haemodynamics in healthy patients and the basal rate is relatively low. When there is underlying disease, such as heart failure, cirrhosis or volume depletion, the levels of hormone: PGs are increased and they act as vasodilators to ensure adequate renal flow and GFR. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis with an NSAID in such patients can lead to reversible renal ischemia, a ↓ in GFR and acute renal failure. NSAIDs also produce interstitial nephritis with or without nephrotic syndrome secondary to minimal change disease. Although this presents as acute renal failure, it can progress in some cases to chronic renal failure. NSAIDs increase the risk of developing heart failure in patients with a history of HTN, DM or renal failure, particularly in the first month of use.

Whatr is a nephron?

A nephron is the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney responsible for filtering blood and producing urine. It consists of a renal corpuscle, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, and distal convoluted tubule. Nephrons play a crucial role in regulating the balance of electrolytes, maintaining pH levels, and removing waste from the body.

How do you make a kidney model?

To make a simple kidney model, you can use household items like a balloon or plastic bottle to represent the shape of the kidney. You can then use clay or play dough to create the details of the kidney, such as the renal pelvis, renal medulla, and renal cortex. Label the different parts for educational purposes.

Which glands are located on top of the kidneys and play a large role in the anti-inflammatory response?

Those glands are called as supra-renal glands or adrenal glands.

Where are renal pyramids located?

Renal pyramids are located in the medulla of the kidney. They appear as conical structures with striated appearance due to the arrangement of nephrons and collecting ducts, and they play a crucial role in the production of urine by the kidney.

What is renal hormones?

Renal hormones are hormones produced and released by the kidneys that play a role in regulating various bodily functions such as blood pressure, red blood cell production, and calcium metabolism. Examples of renal hormones include erythropoietin, renin, and calcitriol.