Cows are grazers, they eat grass and fertilize the grass with their waste. Grass grows from the cow's waste and the cycle starts over again. In turn, cows produce milk to feed their calves or to feed humans and are slaughtered by humans to provide meat.
Cows play a significant role in the ecosystem as herbivores that help maintain plant populations by grazing and preventing overgrowth. They also contribute to nutrient cycling by depositing manure that enriches the soil, supporting the growth of plants. Additionally, cows serve as a food source for predators and scavengers, contributing to the overall biodiversity of the ecosystem.
Chickens belong in the terrestrial ecosystem. This is the same ecosystem in which humans and other such animals belong. The other type of ecosystem is the aquatic ecosystem. From here you will find other sub categories of ecosystems that are used by scientists to classify animals, plants, and other living organisms.
Neither - they are a natural part of the ecosystem of the planet and have a role to play in that ecosystem. Good and Bad are human concepts.
butt face that is correct butt face\
just like other flowers they beautify the place
Zebras are an example of herbivores in an ecosystem, serving as prey for carnivores like lions. They play a role in helping control plant growth through grazing, which can affect the diversity and balance of the ecosystem.
They play a huge role in the ecosystem. They mostly play Toby Keith music to crabs who feel insecure about themselves.
a bad role
a cactus
they do there business to do it mate
Rephrase the question. :)
They kill Blue Orcas
my butt get it
The primary food source for a predator is other animals. Predators play a crucial role in the ecosystem by controlling the population of prey species, which helps maintain a balance in the ecosystem.
Yes, plants being producers play a very important role in our ecosystem.
maintaining the balance of certain nutrients, such as nitrogen, in the ecosystem
a huge role. It eats the weak and injured prey which helps the other prey stay healthy