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Gymnosperms, especially conifers, provide many useful products. Paper and other products, such as the lumber used to build homes, come from conifers. The rayon fibers in clothes as well as the cellophane wrappers on some food products also come from conifers. Other products, such as turpentine and the rosin used by Baseball pitchers, gymnasts, and musicians, are made from the sap produced by some conifers. Because conifers are so useful to humans, they are grown in large, managed forests in many regions of the United States. When adult trees in managed forests are cut down, young trees are planted to replace them. Since different parts of the forest are usually cut at different times, there are always adult trees that can be harvested. These management efforts help ensure a steady supply of these important trees.

Angiosperms are an important source of food, clothing, and medicine for other organisms. Plant-eating animals, such as cows, elephants, and beetles, eat flowering plants such as grasses as well as the leaves of trees. People eat vegetables, fruits, and cereals, all of which are angiosperms. People also produce clothing and other products from angiosperms. For example, the seeds of cotton plants are covered with cotton fibers. The stems of flax plants provide linen fibers. The sap of rubber trees is used to make rubber for tires and other products. Furniture is often made from the wood of maple, cherry, and oak trees. Some important medications come from angiosperms, too. For example, the heart medication digitalis comes from the leaves of the foxglove plant.

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