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Q: What rocks are iron isolated from?
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Zinc minerals are isolated from sedimentary rocks

What rocks are copper isolated from?

Copper is primarily isolated from copper ores such as chalcopyrite, bornite, and chalcocite. These ores are typically found in igneous and sedimentary rocks, as well as in hydrothermal veins. Copper can also be found in some metamorphic rocks.

What rocks are these minerals isolated from?

sorry i dont know the answer can you answer for me please??

Why do weather rocks have rust streaks?

Some weathered rocks have rust streaks due to the iron content in the rocks. When rocks that have ferrous iron are weathered there will be rust streaks present.

What are rocks that contain iron called?


How did Egyptians get the iron ore out of rocks?

Ancient Egyptians extracted iron ore from rocks using a combination of heating the rocks in fires to break them down, and then using various tools to extract the iron. This process involved a series of steps including crushing the rocks, smelting the ore to separate the iron from the rock, and then shaping the iron into tools and weapons.

Does an igneous rock contain iron?

Igneous rocks can contain iron, but not all igneous rocks do. The presence of iron in an igneous rock depends on the composition of the magma from which the rock formed. Iron can be found in minerals such as magnetite, hematite, and pyroxene within certain igneous rocks.

What was life like behind the iron wall?

it was isolated and there was no outside contact

What rocks Is aluminum isolated from?

Aluminum is primarily isolated from bauxite ore through the Bayer process. Bauxite is a mixture of minerals, including gibbsite, boehmite, and diaspore, from which aluminum is extracted through various refining methods.

Isolated columns of rock that are near shore are called sea?

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Rocks that have high levels of iron and magnesium are called?

Igneous rocks with high iron and magnesium content are known as mafic. This word comes from the combination of the "Ma" for magnesium and Fe for iron, MaFe, Mafic

What are some features of Mars?

iron-oxide rocks (Red rocks)