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Ribosomes are involved in protein synthesis and are connected the the Endoplasmic Reticulum

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3mo ago

Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis in the cell. They translate the genetic information from mRNA into proteins by connecting amino acids together in the correct order. This process is essential for the functioning of the cell and for the production of all the proteins needed for various cellular activities.

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Q: What ribosome cellular function are they involved in?
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What is the function of a ribosome?

What important function happens inside the ribosomes?

A ribosome is A cellular organizm that manufactures polypeptide chains that will become proteins.

What are ribosomes made of and what cellular function are they involved in?

Ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis.

What is a attached ribosome?

An attached ribosome is a ribosome that is bound to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. It is involved in the synthesis of proteins that are either secreted by the cell or inserted into the membrane. These proteins play crucial roles in various cellular functions.

What level of organization does the ribosome belong?

The ribosome belongs to the cellular level of organization. It is a cellular organelle that plays a key role in protein synthesis by translating mRNA into chains of amino acids to form proteins.

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The rp13 gene on chromosome 17 codes for a protein that is part of the ribosome, which is essential for protein synthesis in cells. Mutations in this gene can lead to disorders affecting protein production and cellular function.

What is a ribosome and its functions?

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Is a ribosome a single cell organism?

No, a ribosome is not a single cell organism. It is a cellular component found in all living cells, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic, that is responsible for protein synthesis.

What is the function of a rhibosome?

The function of the ribosome is to factor and create protiens