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Natural active immunity typically results in longer lasting immunity compared to artificial active immunity. This is because natural exposure to a pathogen triggers a stronger and more diverse immune response, leading to the development of memory cells that can provide long-term protection against future infections.

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Q: What results in more long lasting immunity natural active or artificial active?
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Exposure to a disease-causing organism results in which type of immunity?

Exposure to a disease-causing organism typically results in acquired immunity, either through natural infection or vaccination. This type of immunity is specific to that particular organism and provides protection against future encounters with the same pathogen.

Is fire artificial or natural light?

Fire can be considered a form of natural light because it results from a chemical reaction typically involving the combustion of organic material. Artificial light sources, on the other hand, are typically man-made and include various forms like incandescent bulbs, LED lights, and fluorescent tubes.

What is active acquired immunity?

Active acquired immunity is a type of immunity that results from the body's own immune system being activated to produce antibodies in response to exposure to a pathogen, such as through vaccination or recovering from an infection. This type of immunity provides long-lasting protection against future exposures to the same pathogen.

How does artificial intelligence differ from natural intelligence?

Artificial intelligence refers to intelligence exhibited by machines created by humans, while natural intelligence refers to the cognitive abilities of living beings, such as humans and animals. Natural intelligence is inherently biological and evolved over time, while artificial intelligence is programmed by humans and relies on algorithms and data processing.

What immunity results when millions of memory b cells remain in the body?

Long-lasting immunity is achieved when memory B cells are present in the body. These cells are able to recognize specific pathogens that the immune system has encountered before, allowing for a faster and more targeted immune response upon re-exposure to the same pathogen. Memory B cells can quickly produce antibodies to combat the pathogen, providing a more efficient defense mechanism against future infections.

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natural immunity

Exposure to a disease causing organism results in which type of immunity?

Natural Active Immunity

What type of immunity results from injection of tetanus toxoid?

Active immunity, specifically artificial active immunity, results from the injection of tetanus toxoid. This means that the body produces its own antibodies against the tetanus toxoid.

Exposure to a disease-causing organism results in which type of immunity?

Exposure to a disease-causing organism typically results in acquired immunity, either through natural infection or vaccination. This type of immunity is specific to that particular organism and provides protection against future encounters with the same pathogen.

Is there a natural immunity to chickenpox that protects you from shingles?

Natural immunity to chickenpox results from previous infection. There is no other way to be naturally immune to chickenpox. Sometimes, the previous infection may be mild enough that the disease was not noticed. You can become artificially immune to chickenpox by getting chickenpox vaccine.

What is the acquired immunity that results when a person has a disease is?

The response to infections is active or cellular immunity. Acquired immunity

What type of immunity results from recovery from mumps?

Naturally acquired active immunity

What does active immunity?

the immunity that results from the production of antibodies by the immune system in response to the presence of an antigen.

Is a type of immunity that develops from exposure to an antigen. This exposure results in production of antibodies.?

Active Immunity

What does Active immunity means?

the immunity that results from the production of antibodies by the immune system in response to the presence of an antigen.

What are the results of being vaccinated called?

acquired immunity

What is the immunity that results when one contracts a disease and then the antibodies develope is called passiveactive immunity and the process is naturalartificial?
