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Q: What responsibilities that each group had toward the other?
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A force that pulls objects toward each other is called?

gravity is a force that pulls object toward each other

Is an agreement between citizens and rulers defining the rights and responsibilities of each group?

Social contract

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Taking care of each other.

What is the natural force that causes objects to move toward each other?

Gravity is the natural force that causes objects to move toward each other. This force is a fundamental property of matter that attracts all objects with mass toward each other.

When forces pull toward each other?

Im pretty sure that is called gravity/attraction

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they repel or push each other away

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Is a group of people relate each other

What is state's responsibilities?

freedom and helping each other. people do not get hurt

What is an agreement between citizens and rulers defining the rights and responsibilities of each group?

Social contract

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all volcanoes are caused by the earths plates moving toward each other and that is called convergent boundaries.

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What forces push at angles toward each other in plate techtonics?

Convergent plate boundaries are locations where two tectonic plates move toward each other, resulting in compression forces that push at angles toward each other. This can lead to subduction zones, mountain building, and earthquakes.