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Q: What resources do humans get from the biosphere?
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How do humans affect the biosphere?

Humans affect the biosphere in numerous ways. One of the most common ways in which humans impact the biosphere is by their extraction of Natural Resources. Growth and expansion is another way in which humans affect the biosphere.

What does the biosphere do to humans?

The biosphere provides essential resources for human survival, such as oxygen, food, and water. It also helps regulate the climate and supports biodiversity, which can have positive impacts on human health and well-being. However, human activities can also negatively impact the biosphere, leading to environmental degradation and potential harm to human populations.

What is biotic resource?

biotic resources are those resources which are obtianed from biosphere.

What sphere contains humans in them?

Humans are found within the biosphere, which encompasses all living organisms on Earth. This sphere includes various ecosystems, such as forests, oceans, grasslands, and deserts, where humans interact with other living beings and their environment.

Which sphere do humans belong to?


Why is the biosphere being destroyed?

Because of humans.

What sphere are humans part of?

Humans are part of the biosphere, which encompasses all living organisms on Earth.

Would humans and mosquitoes and plasmodium together be considered an biosphere?

No, a biosphere refers to the entire ecosystem of a certain area, including all living organisms and their interactions. Humans, mosquitoes, and Plasmodium (the parasite that causes malaria) are only a small part of a larger biosphere.

Is a tree part of the biosphere?

The earth is a biosphere because it just is.

What species is the top consumers of the biosphere?

That one is easy, humans by far, on land that is. Other than that it depends on which biospehere you may be considering. Usually it is the larger herds of grazing animals, i.e. wilderbeest in africa, cows in U.S.,

How does they biosphere affect people and what they do?

it provides us with resources to survive. :)

How do humans fit in the biosphere?

Humans are a part of the biosphere as one of its many interconnected components. We rely on other organisms for food, oxygen, and various ecosystem services. At the same time, human activities can have significant impacts on the biosphere, altering ecosystems and biodiversity.