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Offspring with genetic diversity resulting from sexual reproduction are more likely to survive changes in the environment compared to those produced through asexual reproduction. This genetic diversity allows for a greater chance of some individuals having traits that are well-suited to new or changing environmental conditions.

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Q: What reproduction offspring is more likely to survive changes in the environment?
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How does sexual reproduction decrease an organisms chance of survival?

Actually, sexual reproduction can increase survival of the overall population by creating diversity. It is more effective over asexual reproduction.

Why is it false that sexual reproduction is the only mechanism for genetic change?

It is false that sexual reproduction is the only mechanism for genetic change because genetic change can also occur through mutations, which are changes in the DNA sequence. Mutations can happen spontaneously or be induced by external factors like radiation or chemicals. These changes can be passed on to offspring and contribute to genetic diversity without requiring sexual reproduction.

Why do plants reproduce?

Plants reproduce in order to create offspring and ensure the continuation of their species. This can be achieved through sexual reproduction, where plants produce seeds or spores, or through asexual reproduction, such as through cloning or vegetative propagation. Reproduction allows plants to adapt to their environment, increase genetic diversity, and survive in various conditions.

How does natural selection operate to cause a change in population?

Natural selection operates by favoring individuals with advantageous traits that increase their survival and reproduction rates. Over time, these individuals pass on these advantageous traits to their offspring, leading to a change in the population's characteristics as the frequency of these traits increases. This process results in the adaptation of the population to its environment.

How might sexual reproduction help a species to cope with environmental change?

Sexual reproduction leads to genetic diversity in offspring, increasing the likelihood that some individuals will possess advantageous traits to cope with changing environmental conditions. This genetic variability provides a better chance for the species to adapt and survive in new or challenging environments. It also enables the species to evolve and respond to various selection pressures over time.

Related questions

What is an advantage to sexual reproduction?

the offspring will have the ability to survive in the environment

Which statement about natural selection is true Overproduction of offspring drives environmental changes. Differential reproduction causes environmental changes. Environmental changes determine which?

The statement "Differential reproduction causes environmental changes" is true. Natural selection favors individuals with traits that are better suited for their environment, leading to the differential reproduction of those individuals. Over time, this process can drive changes in a population's genetic makeup in response to environmental pressures.

What type of reproduction enables evolution?

sexual reproduction because asexual reproduction results in an organism that is identical to the parent cell which does not allow for diversity. diversity allows for evolution. sexual reproduction results in offspring that are not identical and may contain traits that are better adapted to survive in their environment.

When is asexual reproduction advantage?

Asexual reproduction can be advantageous in stable environments where offspring are genetically identical to the parent, ensuring successful adaptation to current conditions. It also allows for rapid population growth since there is no need to find a mate.

Why do scientists say that the environment selects the traits that allow an organism the survive and reproduce?

That is how organism adapts to changes in the environment in order for it to stay alive and continue its genes through its offspring.

What is the relationship between overproduction of offspring and natural selection?

Overproduction of offspring is a strategy employed by species to increase the chances of survival, as it allows for a greater number of offspring to potentially survive and pass on their genes. Natural selection acts on this overproduction by favoring those offspring with traits best suited to their environment, leading to the survival and reproduction of the fittest individuals.

How does reproduction help a species survive?

Reproduction ensures the continuation of a species by producing offspring that can inherit beneficial traits, adapt to changing environments, and increase genetic diversity. This increases the chances of survival and successful adaptation to new challenges or threats.

An animal that reproduces sexually may survive a hostile environment better than an animal that reproduces asexually because sexual reproduction?

increases genetic diversity, allowing for a better chance of producing offspring with advantageous traits to adapt to the changing environment. It also helps in combating parasites and diseases effectively through recombination of genes.

In Darwin's Theory of Evolution over-reproduction refers to the fact that all organisms reproduce beyond the environment's ability to support them.?

In Darwin's theory of evolution, over-reproduction means that organisms tend to produce more offspring than can survive in their environment due to limited resources and competition. This leads to a struggle for existence, where only the fittest individuals with advantageous traits are able to survive and reproduce.

What were Darwin's ideas for natural selection?

The process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits. Changes that allow an organism to better adapt to its environment will help it survive and have more offspring.

What is A trait whereby an a organism changes to survive changes in its environment?

An adaption

How does sexual reproduction decrease an organisms chance of survival?

Actually, sexual reproduction can increase survival of the overall population by creating diversity. It is more effective over asexual reproduction.