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Bacteria, amoeba, prokaryotes reproduce through an asexual process called "binary fission".

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5d ago

Organisms like bacteria and certain single-celled organisms reproduce through a process called fission. In fission, the parent organism divides into two or more daughter organisms, each receiving a copy of the genetic material from the parent.

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Prokaryotic cells reproduce by binary fission (splitting in two).

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Amoeba reproduces through a process called binary fission in which the parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells.

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Euglena reproduce asexually through a process called binary fission, in which the organism divides into two identical daughter cells. In certain conditions, they can also reproduce sexually through a process called conjugation, where genetic material is exchanged between individuals.

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Amoeba has asexual reproduction.The mode is called binary fission.

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Through a process called binary fission.

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mitosis or could be binary fission look both them up

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When a single bacterium reproduces, it divides into two daughter cells through a process called binary fission. Each daughter cell is genetically identical to the parent cell. This allows for exponential growth of bacterial populations.

How does an aneba reproduce?

An amoeba reproduces by simply dividing -- splitting into two identical pieces (called binary fission). In this process, the nucleus divides by a means known as mitosis.

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Paramecium reproduces asexually through binary fission, where the cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Additionally, they can also undergo sexual reproduction through a process called conjugation, where genetic material is exchanged between two individuals to increase genetic diversity.

Binary fission is a process through which?

Binary fission is a process through which a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells. It is a common form of reproduction in prokaryotes and unicellular organisms.

How does eubacteria reproduce?

Eubacteria reproduce asexually through binary fission, where the cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Some eubacteria can also exchange genetic material through a process called conjugation, where they transfer plasmids containing genes to neighboring cells.

How do shigella reproduce?

E. Coli does not reproduce by binary fission. It reproduces by conjugation, in which genetic material is exchanged between two cells. This process is not common in bacteria but some intestinal bacteria, E. coli for example, split by conjugation.