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Meredith Stracke

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Q: What represents a chromosome?
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Which type of mutation can lead to the loss of gene chromosome?

The term is monosomy, in which one chromosome of a pair is missing. Turner's Syndrome is an example of monosomy, in which there is only one sex chromosome, which is the X chromosome. Humans with Turner's Syndrome are female, but sterile. The genotype of the sex chromosomes in Turner's Syndrome is XO, in which O represents a missing chromosome.

Which genotype represents a white-eyed male fruit fly?

The genotype for a white-eyed male fruit fly is X^wY, where X^w represents the white eye color allele on the X chromosome and Y represents the Y chromosome. In fruit flies, eye color is located on the X chromosome, so males only have one copy of the eye color gene.

What is the genotype of a male grasshopper and a female grasshopper?

A male grasshopper has two different sex chromosomes, XY, while a female grasshopper has two of the same sex chromosomes, XX. This difference in sex chromosome composition determines the sex of the grasshopper.

What genes are found in the y chromosome?

The Y chromosome contains more than 59 million blocks of DNA and represents almost 2% of the total DNA in cells within the body. The Y chromosome contains between 20,000 to 25,000 genes within the human genetic make-up.

Which male genotype in the ZW sex chromosome system?

In the ZW sex chromosome system, the male genotype is ZZ. The letter Z represents the presence of a dominant male-determining gene, while the letter W represents the absence of this gene, which determines female development. Therefore, individuals with the ZZ genotype develop as males in this system.

Related questions

Is the chromosomes xy or yx?

The correct order is XY, where X represents the larger chromosome and Y represents the smaller, sex-determining chromosome.

In fruit flies the allele for red eyesR is dominant.which genotype represents a white-eyed male fruit fly?

A white-eyed male fruit fly would have the genotype "X^wY," where "X^w" represents the recessive white eye allele on the X chromosome and "Y" represents the Y chromosome.

Which type of mutation can lead to the loss of gene chromosome?

The term is monosomy, in which one chromosome of a pair is missing. Turner's Syndrome is an example of monosomy, in which there is only one sex chromosome, which is the X chromosome. Humans with Turner's Syndrome are female, but sterile. The genotype of the sex chromosomes in Turner's Syndrome is XO, in which O represents a missing chromosome.

Which genotype represents a white-eyed male fruit fly?

The genotype for a white-eyed male fruit fly is X^wY, where X^w represents the white eye color allele on the X chromosome and Y represents the Y chromosome. In fruit flies, eye color is located on the X chromosome, so males only have one copy of the eye color gene.

What is the genotype of a male grasshopper and a female grasshopper?

A male grasshopper has two different sex chromosomes, XY, while a female grasshopper has two of the same sex chromosomes, XX. This difference in sex chromosome composition determines the sex of the grasshopper.

What genes are found in the y chromosome?

The Y chromosome contains more than 59 million blocks of DNA and represents almost 2% of the total DNA in cells within the body. The Y chromosome contains between 20,000 to 25,000 genes within the human genetic make-up.

What does a Barr body in a mammalian female cell represents?

A Barr body is an inactivated X chromosome in mammalian female cells, primarily serving to balance gene expression between males and females who have one active X chromosome. This process is known as Lyonization, which equalizes the dosage of X-linked genes in males (XY) and females (XX).

Which male genotype in the ZW sex chromosome system?

In the ZW sex chromosome system, the male genotype is ZZ. The letter Z represents the presence of a dominant male-determining gene, while the letter W represents the absence of this gene, which determines female development. Therefore, individuals with the ZZ genotype develop as males in this system.

What is the chromosome that represents the sex chromosome?

The sex chromosomes are represented by X and Y chromosomes. In humans, females have two X chromosomes (XX), while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). The presence of the Y chromosome determines male physical characteristics.

Which sequence of terms represents a decrease from the greatest number of structures to the least number present in a cell?

gene,chromosome THEN nucleus :) HOPE YOU DO WELL !!

A what is a picture of all the chromosomes in a cell?

A karyogram is an image that represents all the chromosomes of a cell that is derived from that organisms organized chromosome profile, or karyotype.

Does a W chromosome look like a W?

No, a W chromosome in bird species represents one of the sex chromosomes, which determines the female sex. It does not physically resemble the letter "W." The W chromosome carries genes that are essential for female development and reproduction.