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Q: What removes sodium ions against the concentration gradient?
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Movement of sodium ions from a region of lower concentration inside a cell toward a region of higher concentration outside the cell is accomplished by?

the sodium-potassium pump, an active transport protein that uses energy from ATP to move sodium ions out of the cell against their concentration gradient.

What is the glucose hitching a ride with?

Glucose hitches a ride with sodium through a symporter protein on the cell membrane. This process is known as secondary active transport, where the energy stored in the sodium gradient is used to transport glucose into the cell against its concentration gradient.

What is equilibrium potential for sodium?

The equilibrium potential for sodium (ENa) is around +60 mV. This is the membrane potential at which there is no net movement of sodium ions across the membrane, as the concentration gradient is balanced by the electrical gradient.

The movement of glucose molecules across a plasma membrane from an area of lower glucose concentration to an area of higher glucose concentration occurs due to?

active transport, specifically through a process known as secondary active transport or cotransport. This process relies on the use of energy generated by the concentration gradient of another molecule, usually sodium ions, to drive the movement of glucose against its gradient.

What are the end results of the sodium potassium pump?

The end result of the sodium-potassium pump is the maintenance of the cell's resting membrane potential, regulation of cell volume, and contribution to the excitability of nerve and muscle cells. It transports sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell against their concentration gradients, creating a concentration gradient that is essential for various cellular processes.

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What is the active transport mechanism by which cells pump sodium and potassium ions against the concentration gradient.?

sodium-potassium pump

A transporter protien that carries a substance across a cellular membrane against its concentration gradient?

Sodium potassium ATPase pump.

Why are sodium ions pumped out of the cell?

Sodium ions are pumped out of the cell by the sodium-potassium pump to maintain the cell's resting membrane potential, regulate cell volume, and create a concentration gradient that drives other transport processes. This process requires energy in the form of ATP to actively transport sodium out of the cell against its concentration gradient.

What process moves sodium ions?

Sodium ions can be moved across cell membranes through the process of active transport, which utilizes energy from ATP to pump ions against their concentration gradient. Sodium ions can also move through facilitated diffusion, where they move down their concentration gradient with the help of transport proteins.

If there is more sodium inside a cell than outside which process could the cell use to take more sodium?

The cell could use active transport to move sodium against its concentration gradient from outside the cell to inside the cell. This process requires energy in the form of ATP to pump sodium ions against their concentration gradient.

Movement of sodium ions from a region of lower concentration inside a cell toward a region of higher concentration outside the cell is accomplished by?

the sodium-potassium pump, an active transport protein that uses energy from ATP to move sodium ions out of the cell against their concentration gradient.

What two ions move up their concentration gradient in this pump?

Sodium ions (Na+) and potassium ions (K+) move up their concentration gradients in the sodium-potassium pump. This pump helps maintain the cell's resting membrane potential by actively transporting three sodium ions out of the cell and two potassium ions into the cell for every ATP molecule used.

What isThe difference in concentration between a region of high concentration and one of lower concentration?

The difference in concentration is known as the concentration gradient. It represents the change in concentration between two regions, with molecules or ions naturally moving from an area of high concentration to low concentration to reach equilibrium. This movement is driven by diffusion, where particles move randomly and spread out to equalize the concentration.

How does potassium and sodium move into the cell?

Potassium enters the cell through potassium channels that open in response to changes in membrane potential. Sodium enters the cell through sodium-potassium pumps, which actively transport sodium ions against their concentration gradient.

Which process could the cell use to take in more sodium?

The cell could increase the activity of sodium-potassium pumps on the cell membrane to actively transport more sodium into the cell against its concentration gradient. Alternatively, the cell could increase the expression of sodium channels on the cell membrane to allow passive diffusion of sodium into the cell down its electrochemical gradient.

What is the typical concentration of sodium to potassium intracellularly?

The typical concentration of sodium is lower than potassium intracellularly. Sodium concentration is around 10-15 mM, while potassium concentration is around 140-150 mM inside the cell. This concentration gradient is maintained through the action of the sodium-potassium pump.

What is equilibrium potential for sodium?

The equilibrium potential for sodium (ENa) is around +60 mV. This is the membrane potential at which there is no net movement of sodium ions across the membrane, as the concentration gradient is balanced by the electrical gradient.