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Christianity, particularly Catholicism.

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Q: What religion did Spain and Portugal bring into latin America?
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Who were the first two European countries to bring African slaves to the Americas?

Spain and Portugal.

What did Spain bring to Mexico?

Its religion and architecture.

What food do the Spain bring to America?

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Spain sent missionaries to Florida to bring their religion to the Florida natives.

Did Christopher Columbus bring back carrots from a America?

No! It is thought he took carrots TO America from Spain.

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Why spanish spoken in America?

Spanish spoken in America, because of the colonization. and the spanish conqueror bring their own language to America form Spain.

What were the reasons why the Spanish colonist settled in America?

The main reason was to search and find gold. Then, bring it back to Spain.

What colony was the first to bring in slaves?

Depends on which colony your talking about. For the US colonies it was Virginia. Other colonies by other countries first was Spain then Portugal then Britain.

Why did the conquistadors bring pigs to America?

They brought pigs over so that they could farm them and eat pork as they had in Spain.

Why did Spain send explorers to Central America in search of Cortez expeditions?

They sent them because they wanted them to bring back gold