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Q: What refers to molecules created by living organisms?
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"Free oxygen" refers to oxygen that is not bound to other elements or molecules. It typically refers to molecular oxygen (O2) that is available in the atmosphere for respiration by living organisms.

What is difference between life and lifestyle?

Life refers to the existence of living organisms, while lifestyle refers to the way in which a person or group lives. Life encompasses all aspects of living organisms, including biological processes, while lifestyle refers to choices and habits that characterize a person's way of living.

What is chemoheterotrophic by ingestion?

Chemoheterotrophic by ingestion refers to organisms that obtain energy by ingesting organic molecules produced by other organisms and breaking them down through chemical reactions. These organisms rely on consuming other living or dead organisms to obtain nutrients and energy for their survival and growth. Examples include animals, fungi, and some protists.

What are the levels of organization in living things?

The levels of organization in living things are: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. Cells are the basic unit of life, tissues are groups of cells working together, organs are groups of tissues working together, organ systems are groups of organs working together, and organisms are complete living things.

What is the scientific definition of the prefix Org-?

The prefix "org-" generally refers to anything organic, referring to living organisms or substances derived from living matter. It is commonly used in fields such as biology and chemistry to denote the presence of carbon-based molecules.

Organic means something that is or once was?

Organic refers to something that is derived from living organisms or composed of organic compounds. It can also describe a natural process or system that is characteristic of living organisms.

What does the diffusion of water mean?

The diffusion of water refers to the movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. This process occurs naturally to achieve equilibrium and is important for processes like osmosis in living organisms.

What does biochemical means?

it refers to a chemical reaction that normally will be performed within a living oranism

What is a radical biology?

"Radical biology" refers to the role of free radicals in living organisms.

What is the root word in biochemistry?

The root word in biochemistry is "bio," which refers to life or living organisms.

Is atom an ecosystem?

No, an atom is not an ecosystem. An ecosystem refers to a community of living organisms and their interactions with the environment, while an atom is the basic unit of matter. Ecosystems are macroscopic and involve multiple organisms, while atoms are microscopic and do not involve living organisms.

Is living environment same as biology?

No, living environment and biology are not the same. Biology is the scientific study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environment. Living environment, on the other hand, refers to the physical and social surroundings that support life and provide habitat for organisms.