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Receptors or more precisely, sensory receptors.

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2w ago

Neurons receive stimuli from the environment or other cells, which triggers the formation of electrical impulses that travel along the neuron's axon. These impulses then allow for communication between different parts of the body or with other neurons.

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Q: What receives stimuli and forms impulses?
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What is the tissue that receives stimuli and conducts nerve impulses?

these are wire-like projections from the main cell body, which are often further branched and carry impulses to the cell body. theses are called dendrites.

What is the type of tissue that receives stimuli transmit impulses and controls the actions of the muscles and glands?

nervous tissue

What is the work of neuron?

They transmit nerve impulses and stimuli.

When the body receives stimuli which structure typically processes the stimuli?

The brain processes sensory stimuli.

What are structures adapted to convert stimuli into nerve impulses called?

Structures adapted to convert stimuli into nerve impulses are called receptors. Receptors can be specialized cells or structures within the body that detect a specific type of stimulus, such as light, sound, pressure, or chemicals, and then convert that stimulus into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the nervous system.

What is a mass of nerve tissue that receives and sends nerve impulses?

The brain is a mass of nerve tissue that receives and sends nerve impulses.

What type of tissue is specialized for receiving stimuli and conducting impulses?

Nervous tissue is specialized for receiving stimuli and conducting impulses. Neurons are the primary cells of nervous tissue that are responsible for transmitting electrical signals throughout the body.

What part of a nerve cell receives impulses?


What is the part of the neuron that normally receives stimuli called?

A Dendrite

What type of neuron picks up stimuli from the external or internal environment and convert those stimuli to nerve impulses?

uit ykhfut di8hlik im gaaay

Branched region of the neuron which receives stimuli from the surrounding environment?


What is special organ that receives and processes stimuli from the environment?

The brain is the special organ that receives and processes stimuli from the environment. It interprets signals from the sensory organs such as eyes, ears, skin, taste buds, and olfactory receptors, allowing us to perceive and respond to our surroundings.