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The black death, or Bubonic Plague, came from a bacterium now known as Pasteurella pestis. It was carried by fleas who, in turn, attached to rats on merchant ships coming from the East of Europe. These rats then transmitted the disease, which also was contagious to humans. All it took was for one human to get bitten by a rat or flea and he or she would have the bubonic plague.

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9mo ago

The Black Death was caused by the bacterium Yersinia Pestis, which was transmitted to humans through infected fleas carried by rats. It spread rapidly throughout Europe in the 14th century, causing devastating loss of life and leading to widespread social and economic upheaval.

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Why people think that black death caused so much death?

because it called the black bloody death ! duhhh xx no not really it was due to rats and it was basically another form of plague

What was black death really cause by?

some infectious fly's in England no it was caused by a bakteria called yersinia

The horrible symptoms of the black death are caused by what organism?

the oriental rat flea b had caused black death

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No..the black death was caused by fleas.

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Black Death was caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis.

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that you had ........

What causes of the black death you think the mice?

No. The Black Death is caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis.

Why was the reason of the black death?

black death was caused by Yersinia pestis bacterium. It spread by rats and fleas.