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Q: What reaction would most likely be spontaneous?
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Which of the following would most likely be spontaneous?

A reaction that produces heat

What conditions are most likely to result in a spontaneous chemical reaction or process on the Gibbs free energy equation that is ΔG ΔH TΔS?

Conditions that are most likely to result in a spontaneous chemical reaction or process, based on the Gibbs free energy equation (ΔG = ΔH - TΔS), include when the change in enthalpy (ΔH) is negative (exothermic) and the change in entropy (ΔS) is positive. When ΔG is negative, the reaction will be spontaneous at the given temperature.

What would most likely be spontaneous?

Spontaneous means without planning. A spontaneous visit to the zoo is one you thought of at the last minute out of nowhere. Spontaneous combustion is when something catches fire without apparent reason, just out of nowhere.

What would most likely to be spontaneous?

Spontaneous means without planning. A spontaneous visit to the zoo is one you thought of at the last minute out of nowhere. Spontaneous combustion is when something catches fire without apparent reason, just out of nowhere.

What reaction is the most spontaneous?

The most spontaneous reaction is typically a reaction that releases a large amount of energy in a short period of time, such as explosions or combustion reactions. These reactions occur quickly and without requiring an external force to initiate them.

Exposure to teratogen during the fetal period is most likely to result in a spontaneous?

A teratogen is an agent or factor that causes malformation of an embryo. It would be likely to result in a spontaneous abortion, another name for a miscarriage or loss of the unborn child.

What would most likely result in the greatest decrease in the rate of a chemical reaction?

Decreasing the temperature or changing the concentration of the reactants would most likely result in the greatest decrease in the rate of a chemical reaction. These changes affect the collision frequency and energy of the reacting molecules, slowing down the overall reaction rate.

Which sentence was the most likely hypothesis for the experiment?

The most likely hypothesis for the experiment was that increasing the temperature would speed up the reaction.

Which item would most likely cause an allergic reaction?

mix vegetables

When are attitudes most likely to predict spontaneous behavior?

Attitudes are most likely to predict spontaneous behavior when there is a close link between the attitude and the behavior, when the attitude is strong and easily accessible, and when there are no other competing influences on the behavior.

The angle of the rays of the sun strike a broken bottle in a ditch at 10 00 am At 3 45 pm the surrounding dry grass catches fire Was this a spontaneous reaction?

No, the dry grass catching fire was not a spontaneous reaction. It was most likely caused by the concentrated heat generated when the sunlight passed through the broken glass and focused on a particular spot on the dry grass for an extended period of time, eventually igniting it.

What color red or blue would most likely start a chemical reaction?
