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Q: What reaction shows a compound breacking apart into separate substance?
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What is it when a compound breaks apart into separate substance?

When a compound breaks apart into separate substances, it undergoes a chemical reaction known as decomposition. This process is typically driven by heat, electricity, or light and results in the formation of simpler products from the original compound.

What reaction shows a compound breaking apart into separate substances?

Decomposition reaction

Heating a white substance produces a vapor and black material Was the substance an element or a compound?

compound as it decomposed into two separate things.

Two ways to separate a compound?

One way to separate a compound is by using physical methods such as filtration or distillation to separate components based on their physical properties like size, solubility, or boiling point. Another way is to use chemical reactions to break down the compound into its individual components through processes like hydrolysis or oxidation.

Which reaction is needed to separate the parts of a compound?

A decomposition reaction takes one reactant and makes multiple products. AB -> A + B

What forms when a soluble substance separate and settles out from solution due to a chemical reaction?

Salt; Precipitation

What is the only way to separate a compound into its element?

The only way to separate a compound into its elements is by using chemical reactions that break the bonds holding the elements together. Physical methods like filtration and distillation can help separate mixtures, but to separate a compound into its elements, chemical reactions are required.

What will happen if water is added to organic compound?

If water is added to an organic compound, the compound can dissolve in water if it is soluble or form a separate layer if it is insoluble. In some cases, the compound may react with water to form a new compound.

What is a substance that is not a compound called?

A substance can be a mixture or solution, rather than a compound. These do not require that the separate substances combine chemically. An element is a substance that has only one type of atom.

A synthesis reaction is a reaction between two compounds in which?

two or more reactants combine to form a single product.

What can separate a compound into parts?

A compound can be separated into its parts through physical methods such as filtration, distillation, or chromatography. These techniques exploit the differences in physical properties (such as boiling point, solubility, or size) of the compound's components to isolate them.

When two substances are combined and new substances are formed?

When two substances combine to form a new substance, it is said that a chemical reaction has occurred. This reaction is a combination reaction, also known as synthesis. The new substance formed may or may not possess the properties of the constituent substances.When the separate substances are elements, a chemical reaction is one that creates chemical bonds, the combined substance being a compound.