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The correct term is the conductivity of the metal. The conductivity of different metals can be found tables on the internet.

Examples are:

Silver (best) 6.30 x 10 to the power 7 S/m

Copper 5.96

Gold 4.10

Aluminium 3.50

Tungsten 1.79

Copper is the most widely used metal for electric currents. Silver is 6% better while aluminium is 31% worse. However aluminium is used for overhead power lines because it is lighter and therefore the pylons can be made using a less massive design.

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Q: What property term describes gold as conducting electricity?
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Is platinum in computers?

Probably not. Platinum is not as good as gold in conducting electricity.

What similar properties does gold have with certain other elements?

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What property term describes gold as shiny?

The word is luster.

What are the 2 metals that are better at conducting heat and electricity?

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Why is gold good for conducting heat and electricity?

Gold is a good conductor of heat and electricity due to its high thermal and electrical conductivity. Its outer electrons are loosely bound, allowing them to move freely and carry both heat and electricity efficiently. Additionally, gold is highly reflective, which helps in retaining heat or reflecting light.

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Gold is a conductor of electricity. It is highly efficient at conducting electricity due to its low resistance and high thermal conductivity.

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Gold conducts electricity well and also copper but it's cheaper than gold.

What property of gold makes it useful in computer parts?

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Copper is a better conductor of electricity than gold. This is because copper has more free electrons available for conducting electricity due to its electron configuration. Gold has fewer free electrons, making it less conductive than copper.

Is gold a poor conductor or a good conductor of heat and electricity?

Gold is a good conductor of both heat and electricity. It is highly efficient in conducting both due to its high thermal and electrical conductivity properties.

Does gold have a high or low resistance?

Gold has a low resistance, which means it is a good conductor of electricity. This property makes it useful in various electrical applications where low resistance is needed for efficient conduction of electricity.