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Their mobile electrons

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Q: What property makes solid good at conducting heat?
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What is the not good material at conducting thermal energy?

One material that is not good at conducting thermal energy is styrofoam. Styrofoam is a poor conductor because it has a low density and is composed mostly of pockets of air, which hinders the transfer of heat. This property makes styrofoam useful for insulation purposes.

What property of metals makes them a good conductor?

Good conductors are those with heaps of free electrons. Summary: Good conductors usually have metallic bonds, where there are free electron in a lattice of a material, conducting charge.

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Is metal pen a conductor or insulator?

A metal pen is a conductor because it allows electric current to flow through it easily due to the free movement of electrons within the metal. This property makes it a good material for making circuits and conducting electricity.

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what is a property of metal which makes it a good material to use as a switch?

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What are the general properties of wood?

It is not a physical property. It has a physical property. And its a solid

Is brass good at conducting electricity?

All metals are electrically conductive.

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Can copper conduct electricity in its solid form?

Yes, copper can conduct electricity in its solid form. Copper is a good conductor of electricity due to its ability to easily allow the movement of electrons. This property makes copper a common material in electrical wiring and circuitry.