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The product of the magnesium burning is magnesium oxide (MgO).

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8y ago

The combustion of a magnesium ribbon in the air will produce magnesium oxide.

2Mg (s) + O2 (g) --> 2MgO (s)

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magnesium oxide that is MgO

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Q: What product is formed on burning magnesium ribbon?
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Why is the burning of magnesium ribbon a synthesis reaction?

Burning magnesium ribbon is a synthesis reaction because it involves the combination of magnesium with oxygen to form magnesium oxide. In this reaction, new chemical bonds are formed and a single product is produced from the combination of two reactants.

Is burning a magnesium ribbon a physical change?

Burning a magnesium ribbon is a chemical change because the magnesium reacts with oxygen in the air to form magnesium oxide. This results in a new substance being formed with different chemical properties than the original magnesium ribbon.

What is the word equation for burning magnesium ribbon?

magnesium + oxygen gas ----D magnesium oxide

What is the product formed when magnesium ribbon is burn?

When magnesium ribbon is burned in air, it forms magnesium oxide. This is a white powdery substance that results from the reaction of magnesium with oxygen in the air.

What is the end product of ignition of magnesium ribbon?

Magnesium oxide

Had magnesium Ribbon and oxygen undergone a change in properties after burning?

Yes, after burning, the magnesium ribbon undergoes a chemical change and forms magnesium oxide. The properties of the magnesium ribbon and oxygen have changed to form a new compound with different properties than the original elements.

What does magnesium ribbon leave after burning?

When magnesium ribbon burns, it produces a bright white light and forms magnesium oxide as a white powder residue.

What causes magnesium ribbon to become ash?

Burning (oxydation) and transformation in magnesium oxide.

Is burning a strip of magnesium ribbon a chemical or physical change?

Burning a strip of magnesium ribbon is a chemical change because the magnesium reacts with oxygen in the air to form magnesium oxide. This reaction results in the formation of new substances with different properties than the original magnesium ribbon.

Why should we not see a magnesium ribbon burn?

Burning magnesium emits ultraviolet light, which can damage your eyes.

What is the type of reaction for Mg ribbon burning in fire?

The reaction of Mg ribbon burning in fire is a combustion reaction. In this reaction, magnesium reacts with oxygen to form magnesium oxide along with the release of light and heat energy.

White ash obtained by burning magnesium ribbon?

The white ash obtained by burning magnesium ribbon is magnesium oxide (MgO). When magnesium burns in the presence of oxygen, it reacts to form magnesium oxide, which appears as a white powdery ash. Magnesium oxide is commonly used in various industrial applications, as well as in manufacturing pharmaceuticals and supplements.