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Q: What process obtain tiny particles copper sulphate from copper?
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What can you get from evaporating copper sulphate?

When evaporating copper sulfate solution, you can obtain copper sulfate crystals. Evaporation of the liquid allows the water to slowly evaporate, leaving behind the solid copper sulfate crystals.

How much copper can be obtained from 100 gram of copper sulphate?

You can obtain 63.5 grams of copper from 100 grams of copper sulfate through a chemical reaction known as displacement. This reaction involves adding a more reactive metal, such as iron, to the copper sulfate solution, which causes the copper to be displaced and settle out as solid copper.

How can you get copper sulphate from an impure sample?

To obtain copper sulfate from an impure sample, you can first dissolve the sample in water to create a solution. Then, filter the solution to remove any insoluble impurities. Finally, crystallize the solution by evaporation to obtain pure copper sulfate crystals.

How do you prepare magnesium sulphate in lab?

To prepare magnesium sulfate in the lab, you would typically dissolve magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate in dilute sulfuric acid. The reaction between the magnesium compound and the sulfuric acid will form magnesium sulfate and water. The solution can then be concentrated and crystallized to obtain solid magnesium sulfate.

What happens when freshly prepared solution of ferrous sulphate followed by conc.H2SO4 is added to nitric acid?

You can obtain the ferric sulphate - Fe2(SO4)3; because the ferrous sulphate react as a reducing agent.

Related questions

Which methods is used to obtain pure copper sulphate from impure sample and how?

One method to obtain pure copper sulfate from an impure sample is by recrystallization. In this process, the impure sample is dissolved in water, and then the solution is heated and slowly cooled to allow pure copper sulfate crystals to form. These crystals are then filtered out and dried to obtain the pure compound.

What can you get from evaporating copper sulphate?

When evaporating copper sulfate solution, you can obtain copper sulfate crystals. Evaporation of the liquid allows the water to slowly evaporate, leaving behind the solid copper sulfate crystals.

How will you obtain pure copper sulphate crystal?

To obtain pure copper sulfate crystals, you can start by dissolving copper sulfate in water to form a saturated solution. Then, allow the solution to cool slowly, which will encourage the formation of crystals. Finally, filter the solution to separate the crystals from the remaining liquid and allow the crystals to dry to obtain pure copper sulfate crystals.

How do you separate sand and copper sulphate and to obtain copper sulphate crystals in dry state?

To separate sand and copper sulfate, you can add water to the mixture to dissolve the copper sulfate. Then, filter the solution to separate the sand. Finally, evaporate the water from the filtered solution to obtain the copper sulfate crystals in a dry state.

How do you separate copper sulphate from copper?

Copper sulphate is a compound, so copper must be obtained through a chemical reaction. To obtain copper from copper sulfate, do the following: Place a piece of aluminum wire into a copper sulphate solution. Aluminum will replace the copper in the copper sulphate and copper will come out of solution and form along the aluminum wire, actually replacing the atoms of aluminum. The chemical equation is 2Al(s) + 3CuSO4(aq) ---> 3Cu(s) + Al2(SO4)3(aq). This kind of reaction is called a single replacement or single displacement.

How can you obtain copper from copper sulphate?

Place a piece of aluminum wire into a copper sulphate solution. Aluminum will replace the copper in the copper sulphate and copper will come out of solution and form along the aluminum wire, actually replacing the atoms of aluminum. The chemical equation is 2Al(s) + 3CuSO4(aq) ---> 3Cu(s) + Al2(SO4)3(aq). This kind of reaction is called a single replacement or single displacement.

When a crystal copper sulphate is placed at the bottom of a beaker contaning water the colour of water slowly becomes blue?

The blue color of the water is due to the dissolution of the copper sulfate crystal in water. As copper sulfate dissolves, copper ions [Cu(II)] are released into the water, giving it a blue color. This color change is a result of the interaction between the copper ions and water molecules, which form a complex that absorbs certain wavelengths of light, appearing blue to our eyes.

How is copper released from a copper sulphate solution?

Copper can be released from a copper sulfate solution by electrolysis or by adding a more reactive metal, such as iron or magnesium, which will displace the copper in a single replacement reaction. Another method is to heat the solution to evaporate the water, leaving behind solid copper sulfate which can then be reduced to obtain copper metal.

What are the properties of blue vitriol altered during water of crsytallization?

Blue vitriol is a very obsolete name for the copper(II)sulphate: CuSO4. Don't use in the future this term. Pentahydratated copper(II) sulphate: CuSO4.5H2O - bright blue color After the dehydratation of the above compound we obtain the anhydrous copper(II) sulphate: CuSO4 - pale green color.

How do you separate copper sulphate from calcium carbonate?

To separate copper sulfate from calcium carbonate, you can dissolve the mixture in water. Copper sulfate is soluble in water, while calcium carbonate is not. This solubility difference allows you to filter out the solid calcium carbonate and then evaporate the water to obtain copper sulfate crystals.

When crystal of copper sulphate strongly heated what residue obtain?

When a crystal of copper sulfate is strongly heated, it undergoes dehydration and turns into anhydrous copper sulfate, leaving a white residue. This white residue is the anhydrous form of copper sulfate, which has lost its water molecules during the heating process.

How do you separate chalk and copper sulfate?

One way to separate chalk and copper sulfate is through filtration. The copper sulfate (being soluble) can be dissolved in water to form a solution, while the chalk remains as a solid. The mixture can then be filtered, allowing the solids (chalk) to be retained on the filter paper while the liquid (copper sulfate solution) passes through.