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Q: What process leads to water entering an aquiter?
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What is the process of water entering the plant through the roots and evaporating through the leaves?

The processes are absorption by capillarity and transpiration.

What if water kept entering a cell and no water left the cell?

If water kept entering a cell and no water left, the cell would eventually burst or lyse due to the buildup of water causing excessive pressure on the cell membrane. This process is known as osmotic lysis, where the imbalance of water creates a hypotonic environment within the cell leading to its destruction.

How does rubber erode in water?

Rubber erodes in water due to a process called hydrolysis, where the water breaks down the chemical bonds in the rubber polymer. This leads to the rubber becoming brittle, losing its elasticity, and eventually breaking down. Factors such as temperature, pH, and the presence of chemicals in the water can also accelerate the erosion process.

How does presence of algae in water result in reduction of oxygen content in water?

Algae can reduce oxygen levels in water through a process called eutrophication. When there is an overgrowth of algae, it can block sunlight from reaching underwater plants, which leads to their death. As dead plants are decomposed by bacteria, oxygen is consumed in the process, resulting in lower oxygen levels in the water.

Does lightspeed decrease when entering water?

Yes, the speed of light decreases when entering a different medium such as water compared to its speed in a vacuum. This is due to the change in the refractive index of the medium, which affects the speed at which light can travel.

Related questions

What process leads to water entering an aquifer?

Percolation leads to water entering an aquifer.

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What is water recycle and evaporation?

water recycling is the water cycle and evaporation is the process of water turning into a gas and entering the atmosphere. your welcome.

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What is the process of water entering the plant through the roots and evaporating through the leaves?

The processes are absorption by capillarity and transpiration.

Does lightspeed decrease when entering water?

Yes, the speed of light decreases when entering a different medium such as water compared to its speed in a vacuum. This is due to the change in the refractive index of the medium, which affects the speed at which light can travel.

Is erosion a process in the water cycle?

in a way .when water comes down in the form of precipitation it leads to processes such as erosion which is the washing away of the upper soil layer by rain water.

How The procss of liquid ater changing into water vapor and entering the atmosphere is called?

The process of liquid water changing into water vapor and entering the atmosphere is called evaporation. This occurs when water molecules gain enough energy to break free from the liquid surface and rise into the air. Once in the atmosphere, the water vapor can contribute to the formation of clouds and precipitation.

What does drinking salt water leads to?

Drinking salt water leads to dehydration.

What if water kept entering a cell and no water left the cell?

If water kept entering a cell and no water left, the cell would eventually burst or lyse due to the buildup of water causing excessive pressure on the cell membrane. This process is known as osmotic lysis, where the imbalance of water creates a hypotonic environment within the cell leading to its destruction.

What feature of the cell prevents water from entering the cell?

Phospholipids in the cell membrane prevent water from entering a cell.

What feature of cell prevents water from entering the cell?

Phospholipids in the cell membrane prevent water from entering a cell.