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Gene expression is responsible for creating distinct sets of proteins in skin cells compared to brain cells.

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Q: What process is responsible creating distinct sets of proteins in skin cell compared to brain cell?
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Is responsible for assembling proteins in the cell.?

Ribosomes are responsible for assembling proteins in the cell by reading mRNA transcripts and facilitating the process of translation to produce the protein structures. Ribosomes are composed of proteins and RNA molecules and can be found in the cytoplasm or on the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells.

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Transport proteins are not responsible for the secretion. Golgi vesicles transport proteins. Proteins synthesis occur in cytoplasm.

Proteins are the building blocks of all the tissues in the body what cell organelles are directly responsible for making and packaging proteins?

Ribosomes are responsible for making proteins in the cell. After the proteins are synthesized, they are often packaged and modified in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus before being distributed to their final destinations in the cell.

Can proteins have separate domains with distinct structures and functions?

Yes, proteins can have separate domains with distinct structures and functions. These domains often contribute to different aspects of the protein's overall function, such as binding to other molecules, enzymatic activity, or signaling pathways. The modular nature of domain organization allows proteins to have diverse functional capabilities.

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RNA assembles amino acids into proteins.

What is responsible for the production of proteins?

The ribosome.

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Proteins are not responsible for global warming. That's greenhouse gases, which are an entirely different kind of chemical. There are also millions of other things that proteins are not responsible for. Why do people always want to blame the proteins? It's so unfair.Sending Nerve Impulses

Which organelle is responsible for packaging and shipping out proteins?

The Golgi apparatus is responsible for packaging and shipping out proteins in the cell. It modifies, sorts, and packages proteins into vesicles for transport to other parts of the cell or for secretion outside of the cell.

What organ is similar to the ribosomes?

The ribosome is responsible for making proteins....these proteins are needed for energy... Similarly the mitochondria is responsible for making energy.. Get the picture?

Which organelle is responsible for synthesizing proteins?

The ribosomes are responsible for synthesizing proteins in a cell. They can be found free in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.

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The Golgi apparatus is the organelle that is responsible for sorting proteins before they are sent to the body of the organism.

What organelles is responsible for sorting proteins before they are sent to the body of the organs?

The Golgi apparatus is the organelle that is responsible for sorting proteins before they are sent to the body of the organism.