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Inversion is the process that changes the order of genes on a chromosome without altering the number of genes. It involves a segment of the chromosome being flipped in orientation. This can result in changes in gene expression and potentially lead to genetic disorders.

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Q: What process changes the order but not the number of genes on a chromosome?
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Related questions

How many genes does the chromosome carry?

The number of genes varies. Most of any chromosome consists of non-coding DNA, which does not contain any genes. Each chromosome has many chromatins. One gene consists of many chromatins. Therefore, one chromosome could have many genes.

Which chromosomes carries the fewest numbers of genes?

The y chromosome, which only contains a few hundred genes.

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How do chromosome mutations affect an individual?

Chromosome mutations can lead to genetic disorders or abnormalities in an individual. These mutations can cause changes in the structure or number of chromosomes, leading to conditions such as Down syndrome or Turner syndrome. The impact of the mutation depends on the specific genes affected and the extent of the mutation.

How many genes do cells obtain?

The number of genes varies from chromosome to chromosome and the number of chromosomes varies from species to species (from as few as 1 single chromosome per cell to as many 30,000 chromosome pairs per cell). Human cells have 23 chromosome pairs per cell.

Is there 30000 genes on each chromosomes?

No, there are not 30,000 genes on each chromosome. The number of genes on each chromosome varies, ranging from approximately 200 to over 2,000 genes per chromosome. In total, humans have around 20,000-25,000 genes spread across all 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Do genes on the same chromosome separate?

Genes on the same chromosome can separate through a process called genetic recombination or crossing over during meiosis. This process can shuffle genes between homologous chromosomes, creating genetic diversity in offspring.

Chromosome carry genes to its offspring the number of DNA bases?


Which chromosomes contain highest and smallest number of genes?

The Chromosome that carries the fewest number of Genes would be the Haploid Cells. Also known as Gametes. It is your sex cells. Unlike Diploid cells who have double the amount Haploid only have half. So a simple answer to your question would be Haploid. and Why..Because they have half.

A typical bacterial chromosome has 4.6 million nucleotides this supports how many genes?

The number of genes in a bacterial chromosome can vary depending on the size of the genes and the presence of non-coding regions. On average, a bacterial chromosome of 4.6 million nucleotides may contain around 4,000 to 5,000 genes.

What number autosome seems to have the least amount of genes?

Chromosome 13, 48

What is the name of genes that are carried on the same chromosome?

Genes that are located on the same chromosome are called linked genes. These genes tend to be inherited together during cell division because they are physically close to each other on the same chromosome.