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Q: What process begins when a pollen grain sticks to a stigma?
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The part of a flower pollen sticks to?

That is called the stigma.

What iz pollen?

Pollen is the reproductive gametes for plants (similar to eggs and sperm for humans), when pollen comes into contact with the stigma of a plant, the reproduction process for the plant begins

What does a stigma do to help make a seed?

A stigma is the part of a flower's female reproductive system that receives pollen during pollination. Once pollen lands on the stigma, it begins the process of fertilization that leads to seed formation. The stigma plays a crucial role in facilitating the transfer of pollen to the ovary of the flower.

Pollinationthe process in which pollen arrives at the pistil and will stick to the stigma?

Pollination the process in which pollen arrives at the pistil and will stick to the stigma

What is the top part of the pistol that the pollen sticks to when the flower has been pollinated?

The stigma.

What is the stigma's function and how does it do it?

The stigma is the ovening to the ovary of the female part of a flower. When pollen comes incontact with it the pollen sticks and then the ovary is fertlized so that the seed and/or fruit can grow and develop

After the pollen grains land on the stigma what begins to grow from a cell in the pollen?

A pollen tube grows from a cell in the pollen and penetrates the style of the flower, allowing the sperm cells to travel to the ovule. This process is essential for fertilization to occur in plants.

When a pollen grain lands on the stigma it usually sticks because of the presence of?

its either from sugar or water.

When a pollen grain lands on stigma it usually sticks because of the presence of?

sticky substances such as proteins or lipids on the surface of the stigma, which help trap and adhere the pollen grain. Additionally, specific proteins and receptors on the surface of the pollen grain and stigma may interact to facilitate adhesion.

What is the job of a stigma?

The stigma on a flower is responsible for receiving pollen during fertilization. It is the receptive surface where pollen grains adhere and germinate to produce a pollen tube that delivers sperm to the ovules. This process is essential for sexual reproduction in plants.

Where in the flower do pollen grains land in order to begin the process of fertilization?

Pollen grains land on the stigma of the flower, which is the sticky structure at the top of the pistil. Once the pollen grains land on the stigma, they can germinate and grow a pollen tube through the style to reach the ovules in the ovary for fertilization to occur.

What is the process that pollen is transferred from the stamens to the stigma?

From the stamen to the stigma which is the sticky end of the pistil (which includes the stigma, style and the ovary.