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Through exocytosis

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Amoebas eliminate waste through a process called exocytosis, where waste materials are packaged into vesicles and expelled from the cell. These vesicles fuse with the cell membrane, releasing the waste outside the cell.

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Q: What process allows a unicellular organism like an amoeba to eliminate waste?
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What is the purpose of cell division for unicellular organisms?

Cell division in unicellular organisms serves to replicate the genetic material and divide the cell into two daughter cells. This process allows unicellular organisms to reproduce and multiply, ensuring their survival and propagation in their environment.

Unicellular organisms obtain oxygen and dissolved substances from their surroundings by?

Unicellular organisms obtain oxygen and dissolved substances through diffusion. This process allows molecules to passively move across the cell membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. This is how unicellular organisms can intake essential nutrients and eliminate waste products.

Is binary fission in unicellular organisms an example of reproduction?

Yes, binary fission in unicellular organisms is a form of asexual reproduction where one cell divides into two identical daughter cells. The process allows unicellular organisms to reproduce quickly and efficiently.

That process of cell division by which an organism grows is?

The process of cell division that allows an organism to grow is called mitosis. During mitosis, a parent cell divides into two daughter cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. This process is essential for growth, development, and repair in multicellular organisms.

How is the cell cycle important to some unicellular organisms?

The cell cycle is important for unicellular organisms to grow, reproduce, and maintain their population. It allows them to replicate their genetic material and divide into new cells. This process is crucial for their survival and ensures the continuation of the species.

Related questions

In unicellular organisms cell division results in?

In unicellular organisms, cell division results in the reproduction of the organism by producing two identical daughter cells that have the same genetic material as the parent cell. This process allows the unicellular organism to grow and multiply in number, facilitating its survival and propagation.

Unicellular organisms obtain oxygen and dissolved substances from their surroundings by?

Unicellular organisms obtain oxygen and dissolved substances through diffusion. This process allows molecules to passively move across the cell membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. This is how unicellular organisms can intake essential nutrients and eliminate waste products.

The diagram represents a unicellular organism This organism is able to survive without a specialized respiratory system because?

The unicellular organism is able to survive without a specialized respiratory system because it relies on simple diffusion of gases across its cell membrane for gas exchange. Its small size allows for rapid exchange of gases, ensuring the transport of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide. Additionally, the organism's low metabolic rate allows it to meet its respiratory needs without the need for specialized respiratory structures.

What process allows a single celled zygote to develop into a multicellular organism?

The process is called embryogenesis, which involves cell division and differentiation. During embryogenesis, the zygote undergoes multiple rounds of cell division to form a ball of cells called a blastocyst, which then develops into specialized cell types and tissues through a process called morphogenesis. This leads to the formation of different organs and structures in the developing organism.

The process in which the structure and function of the parts of an organism change to enable specialization of those parts?

The process you are referring to is called differentiation. This process involves cells becoming specialized for specific functions within an organism, which allows for different parts to perform specific tasks necessary for the organism's survival and reproduction. Differentiation is essential for the development and maintenance of complex multicellular organisms.

Why do cells reproduce in an adult organism?

Cells reproduce in an adult organism for growth, tissue repair, and maintenance of the body. This process allows for replacement of old or damaged cells to maintain optimal functioning of tissues and organs.

That process of cell division by which an organism grows is?

The process of cell division that allows an organism to grow is called mitosis. During mitosis, a parent cell divides into two daughter cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. This process is essential for growth, development, and repair in multicellular organisms.

Which colonial organism can contain daughter colonies?

Hydractinia, a colonial marine organism, can contain daughter colonies which bud off from the parent colony. This process allows for the formation of interconnected colonies that are genetically identical.

What is external digestion?

External digestion is a process used by some organisms such as fungi and spiders to break down food outside of their bodies. In this process, enzymes are secreted onto the food substance to break it down into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the organism. This allows the organism to extract nutrients from the food source without ingesting it.

An organism with dna could be alive because it has which sign of life?

An organism with DNA could be alive because it exhibits the fundamental sign of life: the ability to replicate and pass on genetic information to subsequent generations. This process allows for the adaptation and evolution of the organism over time.

What happens to an organism when one cell dies?

When one cell dies in an organism, it is typically replaced by a new cell through the process of cell division. The death of a single cell usually does not have a significant impact on the organism as a whole, as long as the process of cell replacement continues to maintain overall tissue and organ function.

What is the addition of cells to an organism by cell division?

Cell division is the process by which cells multiply and increase in number to add to an organism. This occurs through mitosis, where a cell duplicates its genetic material and divides into two identical daughter cells. This allows for growth, development, and tissue repair in the organism.