because your climbing near the sun and the sun gives you skin cancer....
Cadmium is not typically used in cell phones due to its toxic properties and environmental concerns. If present, it may be found in small amounts in components like the battery or circuit boards, where it can pose a risk if the device is improperly disposed of. Generally, manufacturers strive to limit or eliminate the use of cadmium in electronic devices to reduce environmental impacts.
Unlike animal cells, plant cells have a cell wall to give them a regular shape and protect the cell, a large vacuole which contains water, and contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis. Some of these features can also be found it single celled organism.
Cancer is related to the cell cycle because when a person gets infected, the cancerous cells attack healthy cells and then mutate the cells and then it rapidly creates new, mutated cells. The mutated cells then attack more healthy cells and the process is repeated. Cancerous cells can be killed with radiation
Problem: Extreme heat and radiation near the Sun could pose a serious risk to human life. Solution: Developing advanced thermal protection systems and radiation shielding to protect astronauts from the harsh environment. Another solution could be to send robotic missions to study the Sun instead of risking human lives.
The problems of rapid growth are: -Food shortage -Water shortage -Health problems -More pollution
yes.sometimes it will
the populations geow as people get it on
They may pose a problem when swimming, but otherwise they pose no problems.
fish pose
If you already bought a camera, you can just ask them to pose. If your using your cell phone to take a picture, just point it at them for a while and they should eventually turn around and pose for you.
The first route posed the problem of not being able to get through.
it delayed the trip by a month
The point Swift is making when he says that those named here pose no real problem is that that they have a duty to die, and thus reduce poverty
Colonial Militias posed a problem for the British as they did not fight with the same uniform tactics as armies in Europe did.
Some cells have constraints on their size, for instance a cell wall, whereas other cells have flexible cell membranes, which pose no constraints on the cell size.
If in minute amounts, then it could not pose any problem.