

What point do the cells haploid?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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11y ago

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First I might note that your question implies that haploid is a verb... something cells do. That is not the case. Haploid is a state in which a cell is in. It is an adjective. It describes a cell that one has one copy of each chromosome. A better way to ask that would be...what cells are haploid in humans (or whatever organism you are interested it).

Well that depends on the organism. Many organisms (fungi for example) live most of their lives as haploid organisms. But I am going to assume you are talking about humans. In humans the only haploid cells are gametes produced in the gonads. Sperm for males and eggs for females. These each contain 1 copy of each chromosome. Upon fertilization they merge and the resulting cell becomes diploid again... a state in which the organism (person) will remain in for the rest of its life with the exception of the gametes which it then produces.

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