

Best Answer
  • Burdock
  • Dandelion
  • Kudzu
  • Parsnip
  • Patterson's Curse
  • Poppy mallow
  • Radish
  • Turnip
  • Carrot
  • Green alkanet
  • Sturt's Desert Pea
  • Welwitschia
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4mo ago

Plants with elongated taproots include carrots, parsnips, and daikon radishes. These plants have roots that extend deep into the soil to access nutrients and water. They are well-adapted to drought conditions due to their taproots' ability to reach deep water reserves.

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Q: What plants with Elongated taproots?
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Related questions

Why do plant have taproots?

Taproots are the anchor roots of plants . The taller the plant the deeper the tap root.

Do taproots store food for plants?

Yes, taproots store food and water for plants. This allows plants to survive during times of low resources or stress. The taproot system typically consists of one large main root that extends deep into the soil.

How are taproots and fibrous root different?

Taproots have a single, thick main root that grows downward, while fibrous roots are thin, branching roots that spread out horizontally. Taproots are typically seen in dicot plants, while fibrous roots are common in monocot plants. Taproots store nutrients and provide anchorage, while fibrous roots help with absorption and support.

Are nett veined leaves taproots?

Net-veined leaves are a common characteristic of dicot plants, while taproots are a type of root system found in some plants. There is no direct relationship between the two; a plant can have net-veined leaves and a taproot system, or vice versa. Net-veined leaves refer to the pattern of veins in the leaves, while taproots are the main root of the plant.

What plant has long roots?

Plants with long taproots include dandelions, carrots, and radishes. These roots extend deep into the soil to access water and nutrients.

What kind of roots does a bamboo tree have?

a bamboo has a fibrous root because it is a monocot

What are the examples of taproots?

banyan plant Type your answer here...

Does plants that have taproots survive better than a fibrous root plant in a drought?

Plants with taproots typically have an advantage in drought conditions as taproots penetrate deep into the soil to access water sources that fibrous roots cannot reach. This allows taproot plants to better withstand drought by having access to water stored deep in the ground.

Why do you think taproots are used more for food more often than fibrous roots?

because there are more plants that are vegetables

Are taproots edible?

Yes. There are four types of edible taproots. They are carrots, beets, radishes, and turnups.

What type of roots grow straight down deep into the groun?

Taproots are roots that grow straight down deep into the ground. They anchor the plant and help it access deep water sources and nutrients. Examples of plants with taproots include carrots and dandelions.

What is the advantage of long taproot?

Long taproots can help plants access nutrients and water deep in the soil, making them more drought-tolerant and resilient to dry conditions. Additionally, taproots provide stability and anchorage to the plant, reducing the risk of being uprooted in strong winds or storms.