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i dont know.idont care

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Q: What plants can live in extreme cold places?
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dolphins do not live in either extreme heat or cold

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they live in cold places

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some plants may not have the ability to live in cold places. In Asia its hot and theres only plants that could grow in hot places.

Compare plants that live in deserts with plants that live in the tundra biome?

Plants in the desert are adapted to hot, arid conditions with limited water availability. They often have thick, waxy coatings and deep root systems to conserve water. In contrast, plants in the tundra are adapted to cold, dry conditions with a short growing season. They tend to be low-growing with adaptations like hairy stems and leaves to insulate against the cold.

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Pandas live in a dry area because that is where bamboo is grown which is what the mostly eat along with other plants.

Do chimps live in hot or cold places?

they live in warm places!!!

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they live in cold places:)

Does an arctic hare live in cold places?

Yes, Arctic Hares live in cold places like the Tundra.

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they live in cold places

Which zone is it most difficult for plants to live in?

Plants have the most difficulty surviving in the polar tundra biome, characterized by extreme cold temperatures, short growing seasons, and frozen soil. The harsh conditions make it challenging for plants to establish roots, grow, and reproduce.

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Does climate affect which plants grow where?

Yes. Cacti can't live in a rainforest, and trees that live in the jungle could never live in the dry desert. in the arctic, there are little to no plants in the winter, because it's so cold, and the ground is so hard. Plants live in different areas depending on what they need, so majority of the time, plants that live in one area can't live in another, if the difference is extreme.