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There really isn't one. But, Uranus rotates on its side. It still rotates in the same direction, just on its side.

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3w ago

Venus is the planet that spins in the opposite direction to Earth's rotation. It rotates from east to west, while most other planets, including Earth, rotate from west to east.

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Q: What planet spins the other way than earth?
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No, Venus is not the only planet that spins in the opposite direction to Earth. Uranus also rotates in the opposite direction, likely due to a past collision that caused its rotation axis to tilt.

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What planet rotates on its side other than Earth?

Uranus. (Earth is not like that.)

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Venus is a planet that rotates on its axis in the opposite direction to most other planets in our solar system, which gives the appearance that it may have multiple axes of rotation. This unique rotation pattern is known as retrograde rotation.

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