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Uranus rotates on its side as seen from Earth. Its axis of rotation is tilted at an angle of approximately 98 degrees, causing it to appear as though it is rotating on its side compared to most other planets in our solar system.

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Q: What planet rotates on its side as seen from earth?
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What planet rotates on it's side?

Uranus rotates on its side, tilted so far over that its axis of rotation is almost parallel to its orbit around the sun. This unique tilt causes extreme seasonal changes on Uranus, with its poles experiencing long periods of sunlight or darkness.

What planet rotates on its side other than Earth?

Uranus. (Earth is not like that.)

Which side is day light?

If you mean "which side of planet Earth", that changes all the time, as Earth rotates.

Is Earth the planet that rotates on its side?

No. It rotates in an axis that is about 23° tilted from perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. Uranus is the planet that is most tilted on its side, with an axial tilt of 97.77°.

What planet rotates on its side a day equals about 18 Earth hours and a year 84 Earth years?


What planet spins the other way than earth?

Venus is the planet that spins in the opposite direction to Earth's rotation. It rotates from east to west, while most other planets, including Earth, rotate from west to east.

What is the only planet that rotates on its side?

Uranus is the only planet which rotates on its side, with an axial tilt of 97.86 degrees.

What planet has a vertical tilt and rotates on its side?

Uranus rotates nearly on its 'side'.

What happens when the sunsets?

When the sun sets, it appears to disappear below the horizon as the Earth rotates. This causes the sky to gradually darken as the sun's light is no longer reaching that part of the Earth. The colors of the sunset are due to the scattering of light by the Earth's atmosphere.

Which planet rotates on its side at a 90 angle?


Does the sun shine on one side of the Earth at a time?

yes, but the earth rotates so that a new piece of the earth faces the sun day in and day out. this is what causes day and night on the planet. (Shine a flashlight on an orange, and turn the orange in your hand.)

What planet rotates on its side at a 90 degree angle?
