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Q: What planet os like its own little solar system?
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What is the Sith planet in the solar system?

If you mean Sixth planet in the solar system it is Uranus (sounds like your anus lol)

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What is the tenth planet in the Solar System?

There are only 8 planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Pluto Used to be the 9th planet, but, it is now considered a Dwarf planet, more like a big moon than a real planet. There is no 10th planet in the solar system. There never was a 10th planet in the solar system.

What is appealing about Mars?

Mars is appealing for its unusual atmosphere, unique red sand and it is a planet like no other, who wouldn't be even a little curious about such a baron and unusual planet in our solar system?

Are planets mammals?

Planets are in the solar system comprising the universe. Mammals live ON a planet, like on this planet Earth.

Which planet has a blue-green color in our solar system?

Uranus is the planet in our solar system that has a blue-green color. This color is due to the presence of methane gas in its atmosphere that absorbs red light and reflects blue and green light.

Did every body like Venus'?

of course venus was the brightest planet in our solar system.

What planet has temperature like earth?

The Earth Like Planet that was newly discovered in another solar system (no i am not lying they did find a new earth-like planets

Which new planet in your solar system has half of his orbit inside your solar system half orbit is outside your solar system?

The question says that there is an object that's in the solar system that's outside the solar system for half the time. That's a lot like the statement that states: "This statement is false."

IS Jupiter bigger than the solar system?

Erm, no. Sorry. The Sun is 99% of the solar system, in mass. So, judging from that, all the planets that orbit it are in teh solar system. And nothing is bigger than our solar system! (except for mabye another solar system, or like a galaxy, or like a really big star, or a super amazing planet, or lik.. Nevermind.)

What dwarf planet was included as a full fledged planet of solar system last 2005?

Pluto was classified as a dwarf planet last 2005. Pluto was too small to be considered as a planet anymore. Its orbit was also not like any of what we call our planets. There are three dwarf planets in our solar system.

When did Pluto officially get kicked out of the solar system?

Pluto was downgraded from a planet to a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) due to its size and its orbit. This decision reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet rather than one of the main eight planets in our solar system.