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The Earth.

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8mo ago

The planet you're referring to is Earth. It has a rocky surface and its atmosphere is composed primarily of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). Earth also has one natural moon, which is simply called the Moon.

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Q: What planet is rocky and has an atmosphere made up on mainly nitrogen and oxygen it has on natural moon?
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Related questions

What are he two main components of the atmosphere?

The two main components of the atmosphere are nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen makes up about 78% of the atmosphere, while oxygen accounts for around 21%.

What is the atmosphere mainly made up of?

The Earth's atmosphere is mainly composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%). Other gases present include argon, carbon dioxide, and traces of other gases like helium and methane. Water vapor is also an important component of the atmosphere.

Which planet is rockey and has an atmosphere made up of mainly nitrogen and oxygen?

That planet is Earth.

Is the air on moon breathable?

No, the air on the Moon is not breathable for humans. The Moon's atmosphere is thin and made up of gases like helium, neon, and hydrogen, but lacks oxygen. Additionally, the lack of a magnetic field on the Moon means that solar radiation would harm anyone exposed to it.

Which planet has is atmosphere mostly made of nitrogen?

Neptune (NovaNet) There's something wrong here. Neptune is mainly a hydrogen atmosphere. Earth is the planet with a mainly nitrogen atmosphere, but the coldest is Neptune.

What are some natural of particles in the atmosphere?

oxygen,helium,carbon dioxide,nitrogen

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Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and water vapor are the main gases responsible for the atmospheric greenhouse effect in the Earth's atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun and warm the planet's surface through a natural process known as the greenhouse effect.

What are some natural resources of particles in the atmosphere?

Some natural resources of particles in the atmosphere include dust, pollen, sea salt, volcanic ash, and smoke from wildfires. These particles can affect air quality, visibility, and even cloud formation.

Earth's atmosphere is mainly made up of what 2 gases?

Earth's atmosphere is mainly composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%). Other gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and trace gases are also present in smaller amounts.

Why is the atmosphere 78 percent nitrogen and only 21 percent oxygen?

There is no such planet in our solar system. Perhaps you meant the atmosphere of the planet. The Earth has an atmosphere that's mainly nitrogen

Why is the atmosphere classed as an oxygen atmosphere?

Earth's atmosphere is mainly nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Oxygen is the most reactive of these. Oxygen allows all of the life as we know it on earth. Even though oxygen is less than 1/4 of the atmosphere it is the most important part.

What two chemical elements make up most of Earth's atmosphere?

Nitrogen and oxygen are the two main chemical elements that make up Earth's atmosphere, with nitrogen comprising about 78% and oxygen about 21%.