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Mars because it would be the next easiest to inhabit, terraformed or not.

The rest in the this solar system are to harsh to make it worth while.

And beyond this solar system it too far for humans to travel at present.

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14y ago
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3w ago

I would visit Mars because it is the most Earth-like planet in the solar system and has the potential for human exploration and colonization in the future. Additionally, studying Mars can help us better understand Earth's history and potential for life beyond our planet.

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13y ago

The planet I would like to visit would be Jupiter, as it is the largest one, and the red eye nd rings and storms are exiting to watch.

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12y ago

If you lived there, and grew to love it, it would definitely be Bath, England

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12y ago

Usually I think the most visited planet is EARTH,LOL

Actually its the planet MARS

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16y ago

the most visted in space is Mars.

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15y ago

the planet earth

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14y ago

None, but I want to visit one soon.

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Q: What planet in the solar system would you visit and why?
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