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G2: when a cell continues to grow and prepares itself for cell division; and

M: the phase where the cell divides itself into two genetically identical daughter cells. The M phase involves both a nuclear division (called mitosis) and a cytoplasmic division (called cytokinesis).

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4mo ago

The G1 phase of the cell cycle is where the cell grows in size and carries out normal metabolic functions before proceeding to replicate its DNA in the S phase.

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Q: What phase of the cell cycle occurs when the cell is actually growing?
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What phase of the cell cycle does mitosis start?

Mitosis begins during the M phase of the cell cycle, which is also known as the mitotic phase. This phase includes mitosis, where the nucleus divides, and cytokinesis, where the cytoplasm divides, resulting in two daughter cells.

What g2 stand for and what occurs in this stage?

G2 phase stands for Gap 2 phase. The G2 phase occurs in the cell cycle of a cell undergoing mitosis. During this phase, which occurs between DNA synthesis and the start of mitosis, cell growth occurs while awaiting mitotic split of the cell.