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Known as "Spring Tides", a full or new moon is when the gravitational pull of the Sun combines with the pull of the Moon. During a spring tide the high water line is far up the beach, while low water is very far down the beach.

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Q: What phase occurs when the tides are the highest possible mark?
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What phase of the moon brings the highest tides?


Which moon phase will the tides be the highest?

The New Moon and Full Moon phases.

What phase of the moon the highest and lowest tides on earth?

New and full moons produce the highest and lowest tides. These are called spring tides

When does the neap tides occurs on the earth?

a neap tide occurs when the moon is either 1st or 3rd quarter phase.

What occurs when high tides are the highest and low tides are the lowest?

Tidal maximums and Tidal minimums. These two Incidents are not co-incidental.

Tides are highest when earth is in line with?

the Sun and Moon, in a configuration known as a spring tide. This occurs during a new moon or full moon phase. At these times, the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon aligns to create higher tides.

What type of tides has the highest high tides and the lowest low tides called?

The greatest high tides are Spring tides where the Earth, Moon, and Sun are in a line. They are also the lowest low tides. The least high tides and low tides are called neap tides when the sun, moon and earth form a right angle

What is a spring tide and a neap tides?

Neap tide occurs when the moon, earth, and sun are making a right angle.Spring tide occurs when they are in a straight line.Spring tide is the highest tideNeap Tide is when the tide is the lowestA spring tide is occurs when the moon is in alignment with the earth and sun at the same time. This happens during the new moon and full moon phases. When a spring tide occurs, the low tides are REALLY low and the high tides are VERY high.A neap tide is the exact opposite...the difference in tides is not as distinguishable. The high tides are fairly low and the low tides are not too low. This occurs when the moon is in its first or third (last) quarter phases (not in alignment with the sun).During the full moon and new moon days, the sun, the earth and the moon are in the same line and the tides are highest. These tides are called spring tides. But when yhe moon is in its first and last quarter, the ocean waters get drawn in diagonally opposite directions by the gravitational pull of the sun and the earth resulting in low tides. These tides are called neap tides.

What phase of the moon when have a very high tides occur?

spring tides

When the sun moon and Earth are lined up in a line during the new moon and full moon phase what type of tide occurs?

Spring tides.

What is the difference between the highest and lowest tides during a neap tide?

A neap tide happens during the quarter phase of the moon and they are weak tides. There is a very small difference between high and low tides during this time.

What phase of the moon produce the highest and lowest tides on earth?

The highest tides on Earth, known as spring tides, occur during the new moon and full moon phases when the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned. The lowest tides, known as neap tides, occur during the first and third quarter moon phases when the sun and moon are at right angles to each other, exerting less gravitational pull on the Earth.