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The sun in composed of 25 percent helium. The other 75 percent is hydrogen. The sun also has small amounts of other elements such as neon, oxygen, carbon, and magnesium.

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1w ago

About 27% of the Sun's mass is composed of helium. It is created through nuclear fusion processes in the Sun's core.

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The sun is composed of what?

The sun is composed mostly of hydrogen (about 74%) and helium (about 24%), with smaller amounts of other elements like oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron. It generates energy through nuclear fusion reactions in its core.

Is the sun composed of nitrogen and helium?

The core of the sun is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. Nitrogen is not a significant component of the sun's composition.

What is the sun composed of mainly?

The sun is composed of about 73% Hydrogen, 25% Helium, and 2% Oxygen... This means that the sun is mainly composed of Hydrogen

What percentage of helium is in the sun?

Helium makes up about 24% of the sun's mass.

What is then sun made of?

The sun is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium gas. These elements undergo nuclear fusion in the sun's core, converting hydrogen into helium and releasing immense amounts of energy in the form of light and heat.

What is the sun composition of the sun?

The Sun is composed of about 24.85% Helium. Near enough not to worry as a fourth.

The sun is composed mostly of what?

The sun is primarily composed of hydrogen (about 74%) and helium (about 24%). These two elements make up the vast majority of its mass, with traces of other elements present.

Does the sun have helium?

Yes, the sun contains helium. Helium is produced in the sun through nuclear fusion reactions where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium. Helium is one of the main elements present in the sun's composition.

What is a composition of the Sun?

The Sun is composed of about 24.85% Helium. Near enough not to worry as a fourth.

What is the composite of the sun?

The Sun is composed of about 24.85% Helium. Near enough not to worry as a fourth.

What percent of the sun is composed of helium?

About 25% (according to the Wikipedia article "Sun").

Is the sun made out of solid stone?

No, the sun is not made of solid stone. Instead, it is a giant ball of hot gases, primarily consisting of hydrogen and helium. This composition fuels the nuclear fusion reactions that generate the sun's energy and light.