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Q: What parts of the root may be thought of as a subsystem?
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What are the two ways of communicating with subsystem. Explain?

There are two ways of communicating with a subsystem, either by sending stimuli to the subsystem itself to be re-directed to the proper recipient inside the subsystem, or by sending stimuli directly to the recipient inside the subsystem. In the first case, an association is defined with the subsystem itself to enable stimuli sending.A subsystem can have generalizations to other subsystems, i.e., the public and protected elements in the contents of a subsystem as well as operations and receptions are also available to its heirs.A subsystem may offer a set of interfaces, i.e., for each operation defined in an interface, the subsystem offering the interface must have a matching operation, either as a feature of the subsystem itself or of a specification element.

What would happen if one subsystem was removed?

Removing a subsystem can cause the entire system to fail or malfunction. The system may lose functionality, experience reduced performance, or become unstable. It's crucial to carefully consider the dependencies and impacts before removing a subsystem to prevent negative consequences.

What may be a cause of root gravitropism?

Root gravitropism is mainly controlled by the hormone auxin. The differential distribution of auxin across the root due to gravity is a key factor in causing roots to grow downward. The auxin gradient results in differential cell elongation on the upper and lower sides of the root, leading to root bending towards gravity.

What is Systems approach to HRM?

A system is a set of interrelated but separate elements or parts working towards a common goal. A university for example, is made up of students, teachers administrative and laboratory staff who relate to one another in an orderly manner. What one group does have serious implications for others? So they are communicating with each other in order to achieve the overall goal for imparting education. The enterprise operations similarly must be viewed in terms of interacting and interdependent elements. The enterprises procure and transform inputs such as physical, financial and human resources into outputs such as products services and satisfactions offered to people at large. To carry out its operations each enterprise has certain departments known as subsystems such as production subsystem, finance subsystems, marketing subsystem, and HR subsystem etc .Each consists of a number of other subsystems. For example the HR subsystem may have parts such as procurement, training compensation appraisal rewards etc If we were to view HR subsystem a crucial to organizational performance an organizations performance an organization presents itself thus: The various internal subsystems it should be noted here, of an organizational operate within the frame work of external environment consisting of potential social economic and technological forces operating within and outside a nation.

What is a radical square root?

There is no "radical square root". Radical means the same as root, it may specifically refer to the square root.

When was Jane Root born?

Jane Root was born on May 18, 1957.

Which two parts of your body continue to grow thought your lifetime?

Two parts of the body that continue to grow throughout life are the nose and the ears. They may appear larger as we age due to changes in cartilage and tissue density.

Will the square root of an integer always be an integer?

No, the square root of an integer will not always be an integer. It may or may not be. The square root of nine is three, both of which are integers. The square root of two is not an integer. In fact, it is not even a rational number.

Are aquaporins in all parts of the body?

They are found on the surface of eukaryotic cells

Part of a plant?

The root system is a part of a plant. The leaves and flower are also plant parts. The seed is also a plant part at one time.

What month was root beer introduced?

I have personally found that Root Beer was invented/introduced on May 16th.

When was Alan Root born?

Alan Root was born on May 12, 1937, in London, England, UK.