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Q: What parts of the brain are used in a reaction time?
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What parts of the brain are used to drive a car?

all of them

Why are half-reactions used in redox reaction?

They make it easier to see the oxidation and reduction parts of the reaction separately.

Why are half-reaction used in redox reactions?

They make it easier to see the oxidation and reduction parts of the reaction separately.

How come humans don't use their entire brain?

That is a common misconception that has now turned into an urban legend. We do in fact use all of our brain, but not all at once. Different parts of our brain get 'switched on' and used when the need arises for them to be used. For example, if you were looking at something, the parts of your brain dealing with visual images will be active. In this same way we use all of our different parts of the brain, but only when the need arises to do so.

Why do boys have more brain cells?

No. The brains aren't bigger, but the big difference is how they are used. Boys use more parts of their brain at the same time than girls do.

What parts of the brain are not used?

It is believed that all parts of the brain have a function, even if it is not fully understood. While certain parts may be less active during specific tasks, there is no definitive evidence to suggest that any part of the brain is completely unused.

What research design is used for measuring reaction time?

You can measure your reaction time by dropping a ruler between your fingers.

What is the type of reaction that splits a triglyceride into it's component parts?

The type of reaction that splits a triglyceride into its component parts is called hydrolysis. In this reaction, water is used to break the ester bonds in the triglyceride, resulting in the formation of glycerol and fatty acids.

Does your reaction time improve with practice?

Yes, reaction time can improve with practice. Engaging in activities that require quick decision-making and motor responses, such as playing sports or video games, can help improve reaction time through repeated exposure and training of the brain and nervous system.

How do you use your spinal cord?

The spinal cord is used to relay messages to and from the brain to parts of the body.

What body parts are used in running?

the parts involved in running are brain,achilles tendons,muscles,knee joints,lungs,ligaments etc.

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use your brain not your mind use your mind not your brain inshort use your head