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The lymphatic system is responsible for carrying digested fats away from the intestines. Special vessels called lacteals within the small intestine absorb fats and transport them as chyle to the lymphatic system, which eventually returns the fats to the bloodstream.

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Q: What parts of circulatory system that carries digested fats away from intestines?
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Does circulatory system carry signals throughout the body?

No, the circulatory system carries blood, nutrients, oxygen, and waste products throughout the body. Signals are carried through the nervous system, which uses electrical and chemical signals to transmit information.

Does the circulatory system carry nutrients to the cells?

Yes, the circulatory system is responsible for carrying nutrients such as oxygen, glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids to the cells. These nutrients are transported in the blood and distributed to various tissues and organs to support their metabolic functions.

Two ways circulatory system contribute to muscle movement?

The circulatory system carries nutrients and oxygen to the muscles that need them. It also carries waste dispelled by muscles away from them.

What organ carries nutrients and passes it to the bloodstream?

The small intestine is the organ responsible for absorbing nutrients from digested food and passing them into the bloodstream. This process involves the breakdown of food particles into smaller molecules that can be absorbed through the intestinal walls and transported to various cells in the body for energy and other functions.

Carries food and oxygen to all parts of the body?

The circulatory system carries food and oxygen to all parts of the body using blood that is circulated by the heart. Red blood cells in the blood carry oxygen to tissues from the lungs, and nutrients from digested food are also transported through the blood to cells in need.

Related questions

Who carries the digested food through all parts of the body?

blood carries the digested food through all parts of the body

What Venous system that carries digested materials?

The hepatic portal system carries digested nutrients from the intestines to the liver for processing. This system collects blood from the stomach, intestines, spleen, and pancreas and delivers it to the liver via the portal vein. The liver processes nutrients before they enter the general circulation.

What does the digestive system do for the circulatory system?

When your food is being digested and it is in your small intestines and the villi sucks up the nutrients it gives the nutrients to blood vessels which take it to your cells. Small intestines and villi are parts of digestive system. Blood vessels and cells are part of circulatory system.

How is digested food carried to your cells?

The digested food is in form of glucose which is broken down in mitochondria to release energy.

Which body part transports oxygen removes waste materials and carries nutrients to the body as part of the circulatory system?

The circulatory system does all this but the blood and plasma are the "part" that you are talking about. The hemoglobin carries the oxygen and some of the waste gas called carbon dioxide but the plasma carries the rest. The plasma is the liquid part of the blood.

Does circulatory system carry signals throughout the body?

No, the circulatory system carries blood, nutrients, oxygen, and waste products throughout the body. Signals are carried through the nervous system, which uses electrical and chemical signals to transmit information.

What carries blood throughout the circulatory system?


What part of the circulatory system which carries nutrients?

The organs

Does the circulatory system carry nutrients to the cells?

Yes, the circulatory system is responsible for carrying nutrients such as oxygen, glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids to the cells. These nutrients are transported in the blood and distributed to various tissues and organs to support their metabolic functions.

What needed materials does the circulatory system carry to the body cells?

The circulatory system carries nutrients and oxygen to body cells. In addition, it carries hormones and immune materials.

What is the relation ship of circulatory in digestive system?

The digestive system breaks down nutrients and allows them to be absorbed the the circulatory system, which carries them to all body cells. The circulatory system carries needed materials to the cells of the digestive system, so that they can carry out body processes.

What are two ways the lymphatic system system is different than the circulatory system besides one carries blood and one carries lymph?

They are different from circulatory system because they works preventing diseases