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Q: What particles travel the farthest in chromatography?
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Where are the particles of helium farthest apart in a tank or in a balloon?

The particles of helium are farthest apart in a balloon.

What happens to particles during chromatography?

In chromatography, particles separate based on differences in their size, solubility, charge, or interaction with the stationary phase. The mobile phase carries the particles through the stationary phase, allowing for separation based on these differences. The particles will travel at different rates, leading to their distinct elution times and separation into individual components.

Why do different substances travel at different speeds in a chromatography?

yes they do

What are the relations with pigment and chromatography?

In chromatography, pigments can be separated based on their differing affinities for the mobile and stationary phases. The different pigments will travel at different rates through the chromatography system, allowing for their separation and identification based on their unique colors and positions within the chromatogram. Pigments play a key role in chromatography as they provide a visible representation of the separation process.

Why pigment travel shorter than other pigments in chromatography?

Pigments travel at different rates in chromatography because of differences in their molecular size, polarity, and solubility in the solvent. Smaller, less polar pigments will travel further up the chromatography paper because they are less attracted to the stationary phase and can move more easily with the mobile phase.

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Why does carotene travel farthest in chromatography of leaf pigments?

Carotene travels the farthest in chromatography of leaf pigments because it is the least soluble in the chromatography solvent. This means it interacts less with the solvent and more with the chromatography paper, allowing it to move further up the paper before the solvent front stops it.

Why does red ink travel further than yellow ink in chromatography?

Red ink travels further than yellow ink in chromatography because red ink has a lower affinity for the stationary phase (paper) and a higher affinity for the mobile phase (solvent). This causes the red ink molecules to move more easily and quickly through the paper. Yellow ink, on the other hand, has a stronger attraction to the stationary phase, resulting in slower movement and shorter distance traveled.

Where are the particles of helium farthest apart in a tank or in a balloon?

The particles of helium are farthest apart in a balloon.

What happens to particles during chromatography?

In chromatography, particles separate based on differences in their size, solubility, charge, or interaction with the stationary phase. The mobile phase carries the particles through the stationary phase, allowing for separation based on these differences. The particles will travel at different rates, leading to their distinct elution times and separation into individual components.

What are the relations with pigment and chromatography?

In chromatography, pigments can be separated based on their differing affinities for the mobile and stationary phases. The different pigments will travel at different rates through the chromatography system, allowing for their separation and identification based on their unique colors and positions within the chromatogram. Pigments play a key role in chromatography as they provide a visible representation of the separation process.

What are the regions of longitudinal wave where the particles are farthest apart?

In a longitudinal wave, the particles are farthest apart at the rarefaction region. Rarefaction is the region where the particles are spread out and have the lowest density compared to the rest of the wave.

What part of a compressional wave are the particles spaced farthest part?

In a compressional wave, the particles are spaced farthest apart at the points of maximum rarefaction where the wave is at its trough. This is when the pressure is at its lowest and the particles are more spread out.

Why do different substances travel at different speeds in a chromatography?

yes they do

What is the name of the subatomic particles located farthest from the nucleus of the atom?

Electrons are the subatomic particles located farthest from the nucleus of the atom. They have a negative charge and are involved in chemical bonding and electricity conduction.

If two different particles have same speed in a medium chormatography is possible or not write reason?

Chromatography is not possible with two different particles that have the same speed in a medium because chromatography relies on the differential interactions between a sample mixture and the stationary phase in the column, which results in separation based on their different affinities. If the particles have the same speed, they would not separate from each other, making chromatography ineffective for separating them.

How does chromotograhy work using particles?

Chromatography using particles involves the separation of compounds based on their interactions with stationary phase particles. As the sample flows over the particles, compounds with different affinities for the stationary phase will move at different speeds, resulting in their separation. The particles provide a large surface area for interactions, allowing for efficient separation of complex mixtures.

In what part of a compressional wave are the particles spaced farthest apart?

The particles in a compressional wave are spaced farthest apart at the rarefaction region, which corresponds to the trough of the wave where the pressure and density are lower than normal.